Javier Palanca
Javier Palanca
VRAIN Valencian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence. Universitat Politècnica de València
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Rainfall prediction: A deep learning approach
E Hernández, V Sanchez-Anguix, V Julian, J Palanca, N Duque
Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems: 11th International Conference, HAIS …, 2016
A jabber-based multi-agent system platform
M Escrivá, J Palanca, G Aranda
Proceedings of the fifth international joint conference on Autonomous agents …, 2006
Semantic-based padding in convolutional neural networks for improving the performance in natural language processing. A case of study in sentiment analysis
M Gimenez, J Palanca, V Botti
Neurocomputing 378, 315-323, 2020
Spade 3: Supporting the new generation of multi-agent systems
J Palanca, A Terrasa, V Julian, C Carrascosa
IEEE Access 8, 182537-182549, 2020
Electric vehicle charging stations emplacement using genetic algorithms and agent-based simulation
J Jordán, J Palanca, P Martí, V Julian
Expert Systems with Applications 197, 116739, 2022
Supporting agent organizations
E Argente, J Palanca, G Aranda, V Julian, V Botti, A Garcia-Fornes, ...
Multi-Agent Systems and Applications V: 5th International Central and …, 2007
Designing a goal-oriented smart-home environment
J Palanca, E Val, A Garcia-Fornes, H Billhardt, JM Corchado, V Julián
Information Systems Frontiers 20, 125-142, 2016
Taxi dispatching strategies with compensations
H Billhardt, A Fernández, S Ossowski, J Palanca, J Bajo
Expert Systems with Applications 122, 173-182, 2019
Bargaining agents based system for automatic classification of potential allergens in recipes. ADCAIJ: Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal …
J Alemany, S Heras, J Palanca, V Julián
Salamanca 5 (2), 2016
A multi-agent system for the dynamic emplacement of electric vehicle charging stations
J Jordán, J Palanca, E Del Val, V Julian, V Botti
Applied Sciences 8 (2), 313, 2018
Persuasion and Recommendation System Applied to a Cognitive Assistant. ADCAIJ: Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal (ISSN: 2255-2863)
A Costa, S Heras, J Palanca, P Novais, V Julián
Salamanca 5 (2), 2016
Localization of charging stations for electric vehicles using genetic algorithms
J Jordán, J Palanca, E del Val, V Julian, V Botti
Neurocomputing 452, 416-423, 2021
SimFleet: a new transport fleet simulator based on MAS
J Palanca, A Terrasa, C Carrascosa, V Julián
Highlights of Practical Applications of Survivable Agents and Multi-Agent …, 2019
An educational recommender system based on argumentation theory
P Rodríguez, S Heras, J Palanca, JM Poveda, N Duque, V Julián
AI Communications 30 (1), 19-36, 2017
An energy-aware algorithm for electric vehicle infrastructures in smart cities
J Palanca, J Jordán, J Bajo, V Botti
Future generation computer systems 108, 454-466, 2020
Using genetic algorithms to optimize the location of electric vehicle charging stations
J Jordán, J Palanca, E del Val, V Julian, V Botti
International Joint Conference SOCO’18-CISIS’18-ICEUTE’18: San Sebastián …, 2019
Argumentation schemes for events suggestion in an e-health platform
A Costa, S Heras, J Palanca, J Jordán, P Novais, V Julián
Persuasive Technology: Development and Implementation of Personalized …, 2017
A persuasive cognitive assistant system
A Costa, S Heras, J Palanca, P Novais, V Julián
Ambient Intelligence-Software and Applications–7th International Symposium …, 2016
Developing IoT artifacts in a MAS platform
J Palanca, J Rincon, V Julian, C Carrascosa, A Terrasa
Electronics 11 (4), 655, 2022
An agent-based simulation framework for the study of urban delivery
J Palanca, A Terrasa, S Rodriguez, C Carrascosa, V Julian
Neurocomputing 423, 679-688, 2021
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