Javier Diaz-Cely
Javier Diaz-Cely
Assistant Professor ICESI University
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Cited by
Characterizing context-aware recommender systems: A systematic literature review
NM Villegas, C Sánchez, J Díaz-Cely, G Tamura
Knowledge-Based Systems 140, 173-200, 2018
Cumulative and averaging fusion of beliefs
A Jøsang, J Diaz, M Rifqi
Information Fusion 11 (2), 192-200, 2010
A similarity measure between basic belief assignments
J Diaz, M Rifqi, B Bouchon-Meunier
2006 9th International Conference on Information Fusion, 1-6, 2006
The Effect of Color Channel Representations on the Transferability of Convolutional Neural Networks
J Diaz-Cely, C Arce-Lopera, JC Mena, L Quintero
Computer Vision Conference, 27-38, 2019
Imperfect answers in multiple choice questionnaires
J Diaz, M Rifqi, B Bouchon-Meunier, S Jhean-Larose, G Denhiére
Times of Convergence. Technologies Across Learning Contexts: Third European …, 2008
Data maturity analysis and business performance. A Colombian case study
D Grimaldi, J Diaz, H Arboleda, V Fernandez
Heliyon 5 (8), 2019
Location data analytics in the business value chain: A systematic literature review
LE Ferro-Díez, NM Villegas, J Díaz-Cely
IEEE Access 8, 204639-204659, 2020
Geo-spatial market segmentation & characterization exploiting user generated text through transformers & density-based clustering
LE Ferro-Diez, NM Villegas, J Díaz-Cely, SG Acosta
IEEE Access 9, 55698-55713, 2021
Exploring Machine Learning to Analyze Parkinson's Disease Patients
C Urcuqui, Y Castaño, J Delgado, A Navarro, J Diaz, B Muñoz, J Orozco
2018 14th International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grids (SKG …, 2018
Features to detect android malware
CCU López, JSD Villarreal, AFP Belalcazar, AN Cadavid, JGD Cely
2018 IEEE Colombian Conference on Communications and Computing (COLCOM), 1-6, 2018
Evidential multiple choice questions
J Diaz, M Rifqi, B Bouchon-Meunier
Proceedings of workshop on personalisation in E-learning environments at …, 2007
Knowledge evaluation based on LSA: MCQs and free answers.
S Jhean-Larose, V Leclercq, J Diaz, G Bouchon-Meunier
Presumptive diagnosis of cutaneous leishmaniasis
CA Arce-Lopera, J Diaz-Cely, L Quintero
Frontiers in Health Informatics 10 (1), 75, 2021
Profitability and money propagation in communities of bank clients: A visual analytics approach
L Berggrun, J Salamanca, J Díaz, JD Ospina
Finance Research Letters 37, 101387, 2020
QCM évidentiels pour le diagnostic des apprenants
J Diaz, M Rifqi, B Bouchon-Meunier
Actes des rencontres francophones sur la Logique Floue et ses Applications …, 2007
Fuzzy hypothesis management for disorder diagnosis
S Sandri, J Diaz, M Rifqi, B Bouchon-Meunier
2007 IEEE International Fuzzy Systems Conference, 1-6, 2007
Instrumental Music design: Influence on task performance
BM Rodriguez, C Arce-Lopera, AM Arboleda, J Diaz-Cely, J Correa, ...
Handbook of Research on Human-Computer Interfaces and New Modes of …, 2019
Exploiting context information to improve the precision of recommendation systems in retailing
C Sánchez, NM Villegas, J Díaz Cely
Advances in Computing: 12th Colombian Conference, CCC 2017, Cali, Colombia …, 2017
Technology-Enhanced Training System for Reducing Separation Anxiety in Dogs
C Arce-Lopera, J Diaz-Cely, P García, M Morales
HCI International 2019-Posters: 21st International Conference, HCII 2019 …, 2019
Hypotheses management for disorder diagnosis in a hierarchical framework
J Diaz, S Sandri, M Rifqi, B Bouchon-Meunier
International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems …, 2008
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Articles 1–20