Amy Stornaiuolo
Amy Stornaiuolo
Associate Professor of Literacy Studies, Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania
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Restorying the self: Bending toward textual justice
EE Thomas, A Stornaiuolo
Harvard Educational Review 86 (3), 313-338, 2016
Developing a transliteracies framework for a connected world
A Stornaiuolo, A Smith, NC Phillips
Journal of Literacy Research 49 (1), 68-91, 2017
Cultural citizenship and cosmopolitan practice: Global youth communicate online
GA Hull, A Stornaiuolo, U Sahni
English Education 42 (4), 331-367, 2010
Cosmopolitan literacies, social networks, and “proper distance”: Striving to understand in a global world
GA Hull, A Stornaiuolo
Curriculum Inquiry 44 (1), 15-44, 2014
Disrupting educational inequalities through youth digital activism
A Stornaiuolo, EE Thomas
Review of Research in Education 41 (1), 337-357, 2017
Literate arts in a global world: Reframing social networking as cosmopolitan practice
GA Hull, A Stornaiuolo
Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy 54 (2), 85, 2010
Assembling" digital literacies": Contingent pasts, possible futures
TP Nichols, A Stornaiuolo
Media and Communication 7 (2), 14-24, 2019
Authoring data stories in a media makerspace: Adolescents developing critical data literacies
A Stornaiuolo
Journal of the learning sciences 29 (1), 81-103, 2020
Restorying as political action: Authoring resistance through youth media arts
A Stornaiuolo, EE Thomas
Learning, Media and Technology 43 (4), 345-358, 2018
Expanding community: Youth, social networking, and schools
A Stornaiuolo, JK DiZio, EA Hellmich, GA Hull
Comunicar 40 (20), 79-87, 2013
Research Directions: Mobile Texts and Migrant Audiences: Rethinking Literacy and Assessment in a New Media Age
A Stornaiuolo, G Hull, KE Wohlwend, ME Nelson
Language arts 86 (5), 382-392, 2009
Successes and challenges of the “new” college-and career-ready standards: Seven implementation trends
LM Desimone, A Stornaiuolo, N Flores, K Pak, A Edgerton, TP Nichols, ...
Educational Researcher 48 (3), 167-178, 2019
Contexts of Digital Socialization: Studying Adolescents' Interactions on Social Network SitesCommentary on Zizek
A Stornaiuolo
Human Development 60 (5), 233-238, 2017
Scaling as a literacy activity: Mobility and educational inequality in an age of global connectivity
A Stornaiuolo, RJ LeBlanc
Research in the Teaching of English 50 (3), 263-287, 2017
Multiplicities in motion: A turn to transliteracies
A Smith, A Stornaiuolo, NC Phillips
Theory into Practice 57 (1), 20-28, 2018
Imagined readers and hospitable texts: Global youth connect online
GA Hull, A Stornaiuolo, L Sterponi
Theoretical models and processes of reading 6, 1208-1240, 2013
Making publics: Mobilizing audiences in high school makerspaces
A Stornaiuolo, TP Nichols
Teachers College Record 120 (8), 1-38, 2018
Teaching in global collaborations: Navigating challenging conversations through cosmopolitan activity
A Stornaiuolo
Teaching and Teacher Education 59, 503-513, 2016
Datafication meets platformization: Materializing data processes in teaching and learning
L Pangrazio, A Stornaiuolo, TP Nichols, A Garcia, TM Philip
Harvard Educational Review 92 (2), 257-283, 2022
Handbook of writing, literacies, and education in digital cultures
KA Mills, A Stornaiuolo, A Smith, JZ Pandya
Routledge, 2017
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Articles 1–20