Chinmaya Dehury
Chinmaya Dehury
Assistant Professor of Distributed Systems, Institute of Computer Science, University of Tartu
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Design and implementation of a novel service management framework for IoT devices in cloud
CK Dehury, PK Sahoo
Journal of Systems and Software 119, 149-161, 2016
DYVINE: Fitness based Dynamic Virtual Network Embedding in Cloud Computing
CK Dehury, PK Sahoo
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communication, 2019
MUVINE: Multi-stage virtual network embedding in cloud data centers using reinforcement learning-based predictions
HK Thakkar, CK Dehury, PK Sahoo
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 38 (6), 1058-1074, 2020
Serverless data pipeline approaches for IoT data in fog and cloud computing
SR Poojara, CK Dehury, P Jakovits, SN Srirama
Future Generation Computer Systems 130, 91-105, 2022
Securing clustered edge intelligence with blockchain
CK Dehury, SN Srirama, PK Donta, S Dustdar
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine 13 (1), 22-29, 2022
CCoDaMiC: a framework for coherent coordination of data migration and computation platforms
CK Dehury, SN Srirama, TR Chhetri
Future Generation Computer Systems 109, 1-16, 2020
LVRM: On the design of efficient link based virtual resource management algorithm for cloud platforms
PK Sahoo, CK Dehury, B Veeravalli
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 29 (4), 887-900, 2017
TOSCAdata: Modeling data pipeline applications in TOSCA
CK Dehury, P Jakovits, SN Srirama, G Giotis, G Garg
Journal of Systems and Software 186, 111164, 2022
CCEI-IoT: Clustered and cohesive edge intelligence in Internet of Things
CK Dehury, PK Donta, S Dustdar, SN Srirama
2022 IEEE International Conference on Edge Computing and Communications …, 2022
Failure aware semi-centralized virtual network embedding in cloud computing fat-tree data center networks
CK Dehury, PK Sahoo
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing 10 (2), 1156-1172, 2020
Efficient data and CPU-intensive job scheduling algorithms for healthcare cloud
PK Sahoo, CK Dehury
Computers & Electrical Engineering 68, 119-139, 2018
Data pipeline architecture for serverless platform
C Dehury, P Jakovits, SN Srirama, V Tountopoulos, G Giotis
Software Architecture: 14th European Conference, ECSA 2020 Tracks and …, 2020
An efficient service dispersal mechanism for fog and cloud computing using deep reinforcement learning
CK Dehury, SN Srirama
2020 20th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet …, 2020
Stochastic modeling for intelligent software-defined vehicular networks: A survey
B Ravi, B Varghese, I Murturi, PK Donta, S Dustdar, CK Dehury, ...
Computers 12 (8), 162, 2023
Personalized service delivery using reinforcement learning in fog and cloud environment
CK Dehury, SN Srirama
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference On Information Integration …, 2019
A combined system metrics approach to cloud service reliability using artificial intelligence
TR Chhetri, CK Dehury, A Lind, SN Srirama, A Fensel
Big Data and Cognitive Computing 6 (1), 26, 2022
Def-drel: Systematic deployment of serverless functions in fog and cloud environments using deep reinforcement learning
CK Dehury, S Poojara, SN Srirama
arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.15702, 2021
Learning‐driven ubiquitous mobile edge computing: Network management challenges for future generation Internet of Things.
PK Donta, E Monteiro, CK Dehury, I Murturi
International Journal of Network Management 33 (5), 2023
Location-aware green energy availability forecasting for multiple time frames in smart buildings: The case of Estonia
M Hatamian, B Panigrahi, CK Dehury
Measurement: Sensors 25, 100644, 2023
Serverless data pipelines for IoT data analytics: A cloud vendors perspective and solutions
S Poojara, CK Dehury, P Jakovits, SN Srirama
Predictive Analytics in Cloud, Fog, and Edge Computing: Perspectives and …, 2022
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