Ying Ding
Ying Ding
Bill & Lewis Suit Professor, School of Information, Dell Med, University of Texas at Austin
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Bibliometric cartography of information retrieval research by using co-word analysis
Y Ding, GG Chowdhury, S Foo
Information processing & management 37 (6), 817-842, 2001
Applying centrality measures to impact analysis: A coauthorship network analysis
E Yan, Y Ding
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 60 …, 2009
Scientific collaboration and endorsement: Network analysis of coauthorship and citation networks
Y Ding
Journal of informetrics 5 (1), 187-203, 2011
PageRank for ranking authors in co‐citation networks
Y Ding, E Yan, A Frazho, J Caverlee
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 60 …, 2009
Ontology research and development. Part 1-a review of ontology generation
Y Ding, S Foo
Journal of information science 28 (2), 123-136, 2002
Popular and/or prestigious? Measures of scholarly esteem
Y Ding, B Cronin
Information processing & management 47 (1), 80-96, 2011
Scholarly network similarities: How bibliographic coupling networks, citation networks, cocitation networks, topical networks, coauthorship networks, and coword networks relate …
E Yan, Y Ding
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 63 (7 …, 2012
Content‐based citation analysis: The next generation of citation analysis
Y Ding, G Zhang, T Chambers, M Song, X Wang, C Zhai
Journal of the association for information science and technology 65 (9 …, 2014
Measuring scholarly impact
Y Ding, R Rousseau, D Wolfram
Methods and Practice: Springer International Publishing, 2014
The semantic web: yet another hip?
Y Ding, D Fensel, M Klein, B Omelayenko
Data & Knowledge Engineering 41 (2-3), 205-227, 2002
The cognitive structure of library and information science: Analysis of article title words
S Milojević, CR Sugimoto, E Yan, Y Ding
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 62 …, 2011
Product data integration in B2B e-commerce
D Fensel, Y Ding, B Omelayenko, E Schulten, G Botquin, M Brown, A Flett
IEEE Intelligent Systems 16 (4), 54-59, 2001
Chem2Bio2RDF: a semantic framework for linking and data mining chemogenomic and systems chemical biology data
B Chen, X Dong, D Jiao, H Wang, Q Zhu, Y Ding, DJ Wild
BMC bioinformatics 11, 1-13, 2010
Ontology research and development. part 2-a review of ontology mapping and evolving
Y Ding, S Foo
Journal of information science 28 (5), 375-388, 2002
Citation content analysis (CCA): A framework for syntactic and semantic analysis of citation content
G Zhang, Y Ding, S Milojević
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 64 (7 …, 2013
Discovering author impact: A PageRank perspective
E Yan, Y Ding
Information processing & management 47 (1), 125-134, 2011
Content-based author co-citation analysis
YK Jeong, M Song, Y Ding
Journal of Informetrics 8 (1), 197-211, 2014
Ontology Library Systems: The key to successful Ontology Reuse.
Y Ding, D Fensel
SWWS, 93-112, 2001
Assessing drug target association using semantic linked data
B Chen, Y Ding, DJ Wild
PLoS computational biology 8 (7), e1002574, 2012
Building a PubMed Knowledge Graph
Y Xu, J., Kim, S., Song, M., Jeong, M., Kim, D., Kang, J., Rousseau, J.F ...
Scientific Data, 7 (205), 2020
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Articles 1–20