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Neuroanatomical substrates of Arabic number processing, numerical comparison, and simple addition: A PET study
M Pesenti, M Thioux, X Seron, AD Volder
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 12 (3), 461-479, 2000
Neural correlates of simple and complex mental calculation
L Zago, M Pesenti, E Mellet, F Crivello, B Mazoyer, N Tzourio-Mazoyer
Neuroimage 13 (2), 314-327, 2001
Images of numbers, or “When 98 is upper left and 6 sky blue”
X Seron, M Pesenti, MP Noël, G Deloche, JA Cornet
Cognition 44 (1-2), 159-196, 1992
Numerosity-duration interference: A Stroop experiment
V Dormal, X Seron, M Pesenti
Acta psychologica 121 (2), 109-124, 2006
Mental calculation in a prodigy is sustained by right prefrontal and medial temporal areas
M Pesenti, L Zago, F Crivello, E Mellet, D Samson, B Duroux, X Seron, ...
Nature neuroscience 4 (1), 103-107, 2001
Finger–digit compatibility in Arabic numeral processing
S Di Luca, A Granà, C Semenza, X Seron, M Pesenti
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 59 (9), 1648-1663, 2006
Masked priming effect with canonical finger numeral configurations
S Di Luca, M Pesenti
Experimental Brain Research 185, 27-39, 2008
Number magnitude and grip aperture interaction
M Andres, M Davare, M Pesenti, E Olivier, X Seron
Neuroreport 15 (18), 2773-2777, 2004
Selective impairment as evidence for mental organisation of arithmetical facts: BB, a case of preserved subtraction?
M Pesenti, X Seron, M Van Der Linden
Cortex 30 (4), 661-671, 1994
Finger counting: The missing tool?
M Andres, S Di Luca, M Pesenti
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (6), 642-643, 2008
Common substrate for mental arithmetic and finger representation in the parietal cortex
M Andres, N Michaux, M Pesenti
Neuroimage 62 (3), 1520-1528, 2012
Latent deleterious effects of binge drinking over a short period of time revealed only by electrophysiological measures
P Maurage, M Pesenti, P Philippot, F Joassin, S Campanella
Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience 34 (2), 111-118, 2009
Finger numeral representations: more than just another symbolic code
S Di Luca, M Pesenti
Frontiers in Psychology 2, 272, 2011
Role of distinct parietal areas in arithmetic: an fMRI-guided TMS study
M Andres, B Pelgrims, N Michaux, E Olivier, M Pesenti
Neuroimage 54 (4), 3048-3056, 2011
Creating number semantics through finger movement perception
A Badets, M Pesenti
Cognition 115 (1), 46-53, 2010
Dissociation of numerosity and duration processing in the left intraparietal sulcus: a transcranial magnetic stimulation study
V Dormal, M Andres, M Pesenti
cortex 44 (4), 462-469, 2008
Cross-modal interactions between human faces and voices involved in person recognition
F Joassin, M Pesenti, P Maurage, E Verreckt, R Bruyer, S Campanella
Cortex 47 (3), 367-376, 2011
A common right fronto‐parietal network for numerosity and duration processing: An fMRI study
V Dormal, G Dormal, F Joassin, M Pesenti
Human brain mapping 33 (6), 1490-1501, 2012
Number magnitude potentiates action judgements
A Badets, M Andres, S Di Luca, M Pesenti
Experimental Brain Research 180, 525-534, 2007
Attentional bias induced by solving simple and complex addition and subtraction problems
N Masson, M Pesenti
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 67 (8), 1514-1526, 2014
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