Jane Seale
Cited by
Cited by
Mapping pedagogy and tools for effective learning design
G Conole, M Dyke, M Oliver, J Seale
Computers & Education 43 (1-2), 17-33, 2004
E-learning and disability in higher education: accessibility research and practice
JK Seale
Routledge, 2013
Doing student voice work in higher education: an exploration of the value of participatory methods
J Seale
British Educational Research Journal 36 (6), 995-1015, 2009
Not the right kind of ‘digital capital’? An examination of the complex relationship between disabled students, their technologies and higher education institutions
J Seale, J Georgeson, C Mamas, J Swain
Computers & Education 82, 118-128, 2015
Accessibility 2.0: people, policies and processes
B Kelly, D Sloan, S Brown, J Seale, H Petrie, P Lauke, S Ball
Proceedings of the 2007 international cross-disciplinary conference on Web …, 2007
Power and resistance: Reflections on the rhetoric and reality of using participatory methods to promote student voice and engagement in higher education
J Seale, S Gibson, J Haynes, A Potter
Journal of further and Higher Education 39 (4), 534-552, 2015
E-learning and accessibility: An exploration of the potential role of generic pedagogical tools
J Seale, M Cooper
Computers & Education 54 (4), 1107-1116, 2010
Digital agility and digital decision‐making: conceptualising digital inclusion in the context of disabled learners in higher education
J Seale, EA Draffan, M Wald
Studies in Higher Education 35 (4), 445-461, 2010
Mental health in distance learning: a taxonomy of barriers and enablers to student mental wellbeing
K Lister, J Seale, C Douce
Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning 38 (2), 102-116, 2023
Reflection on-line or off-line: the role of learning technologies in encouraging students to reflect
JK Seale, AJ Cann
Computers & Education 34 (3-4), 309-320, 2000
The role of supporters in facilitating the use of technologies by adolescents and adults with learning disabilities: a place for positive risk-taking?
J Seale
European Journal of Special Needs Education 29 (2), 220-236, 2014
The influence of assessments on students’ motivation to learn in a therapy degree course
JK Seale, J Chapman, C Davey
Medical Education 34 (8), 614-621, 2000
When digital capital is not enough: reconsidering the digital lives of disabled university students
J Seale
Learning, Media and Technology 38 (3), 256-269, 2013
Concepts of access for people with learning difficulties: towards a shared understanding
M Nind, J Seale
Disability & Society 24 (3), 273-287, 2009
Negotiating a third space for participatory research with people with learning disabilities: an examination of boundaries and spatial practices
J Seale, M Nind, L Tilley, R Chapman
Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research 28 (4), 483-497, 2015
Transforming positive risk-taking practices: The possibilities of creativity and resilience in learning disability contexts
J Seale, M Nind, B Simmons
Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research 15 (3), 233-248, 2013
How does risk mediate the ability of adolescents and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities to live a normal life by using the Internet?
J Seale, D Chadwick
Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace 11 (1), 2017
From the voice of a ‘socratic gadfly’: a call for more academic activism in the researching of disability in postsecondary education
J Seale
European Journal of Special Needs Education 32 (1), 153-169, 2017
Older people as partners in assistive technology research: the use of focus groups in the design process
J Seale, C McCreadie, A Turner-Smith, A Tinker
Technology and Disability 14 (1), 21-29, 2002
Access All Areas: disability, technology and learning
L Phipps, A Sutherland, J Seale
TechDis with the Association for Learning Technology, 2002
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Articles 1–20