Vera Rimmer
Vera Rimmer
Research Expert at DistriNet, KU Leuven
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Automated website fingerprinting through deep learning
V Rimmer, D Preuveneers, M Juarez, T Van Goethem, W Joosen
Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS) 2018, 1-15, 2017
Chained anomaly detection models for federated learning: An intrusion detection case study
D Preuveneers, V Rimmer, I Tsingenopoulos, J Spooren, W Joosen, ...
Applied Sciences 8 (12), 2663, 2018
Troubleshooting an intrusion detection dataset: the CICIDS2017 case study
G Engelen, V Rimmer, W Joosen
2021 IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW), 7-12, 2021
Trace oddity: Methodologies for data-driven traffic analysis on Tor
V Rimmer, T Schnitzler, T Van Goethem, A Rodríguez Romero, W Joosen, ...
Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies 2022 (3), 314-335, 2022
Fishy faces: Crafting adversarial images to poison face authentication
G Garofalo, V Rimmer, D Preuveneers, W Joosen
12th USENIX Workshop on Offensive Technologies (WOOT 18), 2018
Open-world network intrusion detection
V Rimmer, A Nadeem, S Verwer, D Preuveneers, W Joosen
Security and artificial intelligence: A crossdisciplinary approach, 254-283, 2022
Frictionless authentication systems: emerging trends, Research challenges and opportunities
V Rimmer, D Preuveneers, W Joosen, MA Mustafa, A Abidin, EA Rúa
arXiv preprint arXiv:1802.07233, 2018
Position paper: On advancing adversarial malware generation using dynamic features
A Shafiei, V Rimmer, I Tsingenopoulos, L Desmet, W Joosen
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Robust Malware Analysis, 15-20, 2022
Intelligent malware defenses
A Nadeem, V Rimmer, W Joosen, S Verwer
Security and artificial intelligence: A crossdisciplinary approach, 217-253, 2022
Frictionless authentication systems: emerging trends, research challenges and opportunities
T Van Hamme, V Rimmer, D Preuveneers, W Joosen, AM Mustafa, ...
A survey on applying machine learning techniques for behavioral awareness
D Preuveneers, A Ramakrishnan, T Van Hamme, V Rimmer, Y Berbers, ...
State of the Art in AI Applied to Ambient Intelligence, 1-34, 2017
Deep Learning Website Fingerprinting
V Rimmer
Adversarial Markov Games: On Adaptive Decision-Based Attacks and Defenses
I Tsingenopoulos, V Rimmer, D Preuveneers, F Pierazzi, L Cavallaro, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.13435, 2023
Poster: Pillars of Sand: The current state of Datasets in the field of Network Intrusion Detection
G Engelen, R Flood, L Liu-Thorrold, V Rimmer, H Clausen, D Aspinall, ...
European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P). https://doi. org/10 …, 2022
Applied Deep Learning in Security and Privacy
V Rimmer
On the Application of Deep Learning Techniques to Website Fingerprinting Attacks and Defenses
MJ Miro, V Rimmer
Deep Learning Security Workshop 2017, 2017
On Adaptive Decision-Based Attacks and Defenses
I Tsingenopoulos, V Rimmer, D Preuveneers, F Pierazzi, L Cavallaro, ...
Intelligent Malware Defenses: A Survey
A Nadeem, V Rimmer, W Joosen, S Verwer
SPW 2021
G Engelen, V Rimmer, DC Le, N Zincir-Heywood, H Clausen, D Aspinall
On the Application of Deep Learning Techniques to Website Fingerprinting Attacks and Defenses
M Juarez, V Rimmer
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