Marieke Vandeweyer
Marieke Vandeweyer
Labour Economist, OECD and KU Leuven
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The effect of minimum wages on employment in emerging economies: a survey and meta-analysis
S Broecke, A Forti, M Vandeweyer
Oxford Development Studies 45 (3), 366-391, 2017
Employment growth in Europe: The roles of innovation, local job multipliers and institutions
M Goos, J Konings, M Vandeweyer
Automatic fiscal stabilisers: What they are and what they do
J Veld, M Larch, M Vandeweyer
Open Economies Review 24 (1), 147-163, 2013
Returns to different forms of job related training: Factoring in informal learning
P Fialho, G Quintini, M Vandeweyer
OECD, 2019
Wage Inequality and Cognitive Skills: Re-Opening the Debate
S Broecke, G Quintini, M Vandeweyer
NBER working paper, 2016
High-technology employment in the European Union
M Goos, I Hathaway, J Konings, M Vandeweyer
VIVES discussion paper 41, 1-59, 2013
Local high-tech job multipliers in Europe
M Goos, J Konings, M Vandeweyer
Industrial and Corporate Change 27 (4), 639-655, 2018
Explaining international differences in wage inequality: Skills Matter
S Broecke, G Quintini, M Vandeweyer
Economics of Education review, 2017
Job polarization during the Great Recession and beyond
M Goos, A Salomons, M Vandeweyer
Doubling the Minimum Wage and Its Effeects on Labour Market Outcomes: Evidence from Brazil
S Broecke, M Vandeweyer
Working Paper, 2016
Why is wage inequality so high in the United States? Pitching cognitive skills against institutions (once again)
S Broecke, G Quintini, M Vandeweyer
The changing labour market for graduates from medium-level vocational education and training
M Vandeweyer, A Verhagen
OECD, 2020
Reducing skills imbalances to foster productivity growth of Malaysia
R Espinoza, M Vandeweyer
OECD, 2019
De impact van de automatische loonindexering op de koopkracht en werkgelegenheid
J Konings, B van Aarle, M Vandeweyer
VIVES, KU Leuven, 2012
Routinization, Between-Sector Job Polarization, Deindustrialization and Baumol’s Cost Disease
M Goos, E Rademakers, A Salomons, M Vandeweyer
Utrecht School of Economics Working Paper, 15-15, 2015
Faces of joblessness in Australia: An anatomy of employment barriers using household data
H Immervoll, D Pacifico, M Vandeweyer
IZA Discussion Paper, 2019
Faces of joblessness in Australia: An anatomy of employment barriers using household data
H Immervoll, D Pacifico, M Vandeweyer
IZA Discussion Paper, 2019
Faces of Joblessness in Australia: An Anatomy of Employment Barriers Using Household Data
M Vandeweyer, H Immervoll, D Pacifico
IZA Institute of Labor Economics, 2019
Routinization, Between-Sector Job Polarization, Deindustrialization and Baumol’s Cost Disease: Theory and Evidence
M Goos, E Rademakers, A Salomons, M Vandeweyer
Tjalling C. Koopmans Research Institute Discussion paper 15 (15), 2015
Wage inequality and cognitive skills: Re-opening the debate
S Broecke, G Quintini, M Vandeweyer
Education, Skills, and Technical Change: Implications for Future US GDP Growth, 2018
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