Lars Arvestad
Lars Arvestad
Stockholm University; Dept of Mathematics, and Swedish e-Science Research Center
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The Norway spruce genome sequence and conifer genome evolution
B Nystedt, NR Street, A Wetterbom, A Zuccolo, YC Lin, DG Scofield, ...
Nature 497 (7451), 579-584, 2013
Evolution after gene duplication: models, mechanisms, sequences, systems, and organisms
C Roth, S Rastogi, L Arvestad, K Dittmar, S Light, D Ekman, DA Liberles
Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental …, 2007
Bayesian gene/species tree reconciliation and orthology analysis using MCMC
L Arvestad, AC Berglund, J Lagergren, B Sennblad
Bioinformatics 19 (suppl 1), i7, 2003
Simultaneous Bayesian gene tree reconstruction and reconciliation analysis
Ö Åkerborg, B Sennblad, L Arvestad, J Lagergren
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (14), 5714, 2009
The genome sequence of black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa) reveals 18 conserved cellulose synthase (CesA) genes
S Djerbi, M Lindskog, L Arvestad, F Sterky, TT Teeri
Planta 221, 739-746, 2005
BESST-Efficient scaffolding of large fragmented assemblies
K Sahlin, F Vezzi, B Nystedt, J Lundeberg, L Arvestad
BMC Bioinformatics 15 (1), 281, 2014
Gene tree reconstruction and orthology analysis based on an integrated model for duplications and sequence evolution
L Arvestad, AC Berglund, J Lagergren, B Sennblad
Proceedings of the eighth annual international conference on Research in …, 2004
The gene evolution model and computing its associated probabilities
L Arvestad, J Lagergren, B Sennblad
Journal of the ACM (JACM) 56 (2), 7, 2009
Genome-wide survey for biologically functional pseudogenes
Ö Svensson, L Arvestad, J Lagergren
PLoS computational biology 2 (5), e46, 2006
A Bayesian method for analyzing lateral gene transfer
J Sjöstrand, A Tofigh, V Daubin, L Arvestad, B Sennblad, J Lagergren
Systematic Biology 63 (3), 409-420, 2014
MAP20, a microtubule-associated protein in the secondary cell walls of hybrid aspen, is a target of the cellulose synthesis inhibitor 2, 6-dichlorobenzonitrile
AS Rajangam, M Kumar, H Aspeborg, G Guerriero, L Arvestad, P Pansri, ...
Plant Physiology 148 (3), 1283-1294, 2008
GAM-NGS: genomic assemblies merger for next generation sequencing
R Vicedomini, F Vezzi, S Scalabrin, L Arvestad, A Policriti
BMC Bioinformatics 14 (Suppl 7), S6, 2013
Classification of DNA sequences using Bloom filters
H Stranneheim, M Käller, T Allander, B Andersson, L Arvestad, ...
Bioinformatics 26 (13), 1595-1600, 2010
mtDNA tandem repeats in domestic dogs and wolves: mutation mechanism studied by analysis of the sequence of imperfect repeats
P Savolainen, L Arvestad, J Lundeberg
Molecular biology and evolution 17 (4), 474-488, 2000
GenPhyloData: realistic simulation of gene family evolution
J Sjöstrand, L Arvestad, J Lagergren, B Sennblad
BMC Bioinformatics 14 (1), 209, 2013
The mitogenome of Norway spruce and a reappraisal of mitochondrial recombination in plants
AR Sullivan, Y Eldfjell, B Schiffthaler, N Delhomme, T Asp, KH Hebelstrup, ...
Genome biology and evolution 12 (1), 3586-3598, 2020
DLRS: gene tree evolution in light of a species tree
J Sjöstrand, B Sennblad, L Arvestad, J Lagergren
Bioinformatics 28 (22), 2994-2995, 2012
Assembly scaffolding with PE-contaminated mate-pair libraries
K Sahlin, R Chikhi, L Arvestad
Bioinformatics 32 (13), 1925-1932, 2016
A novel method for forensic DNA investigations: repeat-type sequence analysis of tandemly repeated mtDNA in domestic dogs
P Savolainen, L Arvestad, J Lundberg
Journal of Forensic Sciences 45 (5), 990-999, 2000
VMCMC: a graphical and statistical analysis tool for Markov chain Monte Carlo traces
RH Ali, M Bark, J Miró, SA Muhammad, J Sjöstrand, SM Zubair, RM Abbas, ...
BMC bioinformatics 18, 1-8, 2017
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Articles 1–20