Jose Luis Muñoz-Tapia
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La blockchain: fundamentos, aplicaciones y relación con otras tecnologías disruptivas
CD Retamal, JB Roig, JLM Tapia
Economía industrial 405, 33-40, 2017
A game theoretic trust model for on-line distributed evolution of cooperation inMANETs
M Mejia, N Peña, JL Muñoz, O Esparza, MA Alzate
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 34 (1), 39-51, 2011
A review of trust modeling in ad hoc networks
M Mejia, N Pena, JL Munoz, O Esparza
Internet Research 19 (1), 88-104, 2009
Experimental tests in human–robot collision evaluation and characterization of a new safety index for robot operation
CA Cordero, G Carbone, M Ceccarelli, J Echávarri, JL Muñoz
Mechanism and machine theory 80, 184-199, 2014
EPA: An efficient and privacy-aware revocation mechanism for vehicular ad hoc networks
C Gañán, JL Munoz, O Esparza, J Mata-Díaz, J Alins
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 21, 75-91, 2015
Circom: A Circuit Description Language for Building Zero-Knowledge Applications
M Bellés-Muñoz, M Isabel, JL Muñoz-Tapia, A Rubio, J Baylina
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 20 (6), 4733-4751, 2022
Certificate revocation system implementation based on the Merkle hash tree
JL Munoz, J Forne, O Esparza, M Soriano
International Journal of Information Security 2, 110-124, 2004
PPREM: privacy preserving REvocation mechanism for vehicular ad hoc networks
C Gañán, JL Muñoz, O Esparza, J Mata-Díaz, J Alins
Computer Standards & Interfaces 36 (3), 513-523, 2014
Recurrent focal glomerulosclerosis in renal transplants proteinuria relapsing following plasma exchange.
J Munoz, M Sanchez, R Perez-Garcia, F Anaya, F Valderrabano
Clinical Nephrology 24 (4), 213-214, 1985
Understanding Catalan university dropout from a cross-national approach
D Rodríguez-Gómez, M Feixas, J Gairín, JL Muñoz
Studies in Higher Education 40 (4), 690-703, 2015
Mobile agent watermarking and fingerprinting: tracing malicious hosts
O Esparza, M Fernandez, M Soriano, JL Munoz, J Forné
International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, 927-936, 2003
Host revocation authority: A way of protecting mobile agents from malicious hosts
O Esparza, M Soriano, JL Munoz, J Forné
International Conference on Web Engineering, 289-292, 2003
Evaluation of certificate revocation policies: OCSP vs. Overissued-CRL
JL Muñoz, J Forné, JC Castro
Proceedings. 13th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems …, 2002
RDSR-V. Reliable Dynamic Source Routing for video-streaming over mobile ad hoc networks
JL Muñoz, O Esparza, M Aguilar, V Carrascal, J Forné
Computer Networks 54 (1), 79-96, 2010
Secure brokerage mechanisms for mobile electronic commerce
O Esparza, JL Muñoz, M Soriano, J Forné
Computer Communications 29 (12), 2308-2321, 2006
Optimal tag suppression for privacy protection in the semantic Web
J Parra-Arnau, D Rebollo-Monedero, J Forné, JL Muñoz, O Esparza
Data & Knowledge Engineering 81, 46-66, 2012
They have gone, and now what? Understanding re-enrolment patterns in the Catalan public higher education system
D Rodríguez-Gómez, J Meneses, J Gairín, M Feixas, JL Muñoz
Higher Education Research & Development 35 (4), 815-828, 2016
A protocol for detecting malicious hosts based on limiting the execution time of mobile agents
O Esparza, M Soriano, JL Muñoz, J Forné
Proceedings of the Eighth IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications …, 2003
COACH: COllaborative certificate stAtus CHecking mechanism for VANETs
C Gañán, JL Muñoz, O Esparza, J Mata-Díaz, J Hernández-Serrano, ...
Journal of network and computer applications 36 (5), 1337-1351, 2013
Plonkup: Reconciling plonk with plookup
L Pearson, J Fitzgerald, H Masip, M Bellés-Muñoz, JL Muñoz-Tapia
Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2022
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