Professor, Meiji University
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Potential field navigation of high speed unmanned ground vehicles on uneven terrain
S Shimoda, Y Kuroda, K Iagnemma
Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and …, 2005
Self-organizing collective robots with morphogenesis in a vertical plane
K Hosokawa, T Fujii, H Kaetsu, H Asama, Y Kuroda, I Endo
JSME International Journal Series C Mechanical Systems, Machine Elements and …, 1999
Vision based autonomous underwater vehicle navigation: underwater cable tracking
B Balasuriya, M Takai, WC Lam, T Ura, Y Kuroda
Oceans' 97. MTS/IEEE Conference Proceedings 2, 1418-1424, 1997
Hazard avoidance for high‐speed mobile robots in rough terrain
M Spenko, Y Kuroda, S Dubowsky, K Iagnemma
Journal of Field Robotics 23 (5), 311-331, 2006
Small, light-weight rover “Micro5” for lunar exploration
T Kubota, Y Kuroda, Y Kunii, I Nakatani
Acta Astronautica 52 (2-6), 447-453, 2003
Low power mobility system for micro planetary rover micro 5
Y Kuroda, K Kondo, K Nakamura, Y Kunii, T Kubota
Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space 440, 77, 1999
Mobility performance evaluation of planetary rover with similarity model experiment
Y Kuroda, T Teshima, Y Sato, T Kubota
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2004. Proceedings …, 2004
High-speed navigation of unmanned ground vehicles on uneven terrain using potential fields
S Shimoda, Y Kuroda, K Iagnemma
Robotica 25 (4), 409-424, 2007
Micro Planetary Rover Micro 5
T Kubota, I Nakatani, Y Kuroda, Y Kunii
Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space 440, 373, 1999
Development of a versatile test-bed" Twin-Burger" toward realization of intelligent behaviors of autonomous underwater vehicles
T Fujii, T Ura, Y Kuroda, H Chiba, Y Nose, K Aramaki
Proceedings of OCEANS'93, I186-I191 vol. 1, 1993
AUV test using real/virtual synthetic world
Y Kuroda, K Aramaki, T Ura
Proceedings of Symposium on Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Technology, 365-372, 1996
A new autonomous underwater vehicle designed for lake environment monitoring
M Kumagai, T Ura, Y Kuroda, R Walker
Advanced Robotics 16 (1), 17-26, 2002
Lander and rover exploration on the lunar surface: a study for SELENE-B mission
T Okada, S Sasaki, T Sugihara, K Saiki, H Akiyama, M Ohtake, H Takeda, ...
Advances in Space Research 37 (1), 88-92, 2006
An efficient solution to 6DOF localization using Unscented Kalman Filter for planetary rovers
A Sakai, Y Tamura, Y Kuroda
2009 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2009
Observation behavior of an AUV for ship wreck investigation
T Ura, Y Kurimoto, H Kondo, Y Nose, T Sakamaki, Y Kuroda
Proceedings of OCEANS 2005 MTS/IEEE, 2686-2691, 2005
Accurate localization in combination with planet observation and dead reckoning for lunar rover
Y Kuroda, T Kurosawa, A Tsuchiya, T Kubota
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2004. Proceedings …, 2004
Japanese lunar robotics exploration by co-operation with lander and rover
T Kubota, Y Kunii, Y Kuroda, Working Group
Journal of earth system science 114, 777-785, 2005
Discriminatively Trained Unscented Kalman Filter for Mobile Robot Localization.
A Sakai, Y Kuroda
Journal of Advanced Research in Mechanical Engineering 1 (3), 2010
Experimental study of wheeled forms for lunar rover on slope terrain
K Iizuka, Y Sato, Y Kuroda, T Kubota
9th IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control, 2006., 266-271, 2006
Path planning for newly developed microrover
T Kubota, Y Kuroda, Y Kunii, T Yoshimitsu
Proceedings 2001 ICRA. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and …, 2001
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Articles 1–20