Kobi A. Mosquera Vásquez
Kobi A. Mosquera Vásquez
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Observing and predicting the 2015/16 El Niño
ML L’Heureux, K Takahashi, AB Watkins, AG Barnston, EJ Becker, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 98 (7), 1363-1382, 2017
El Niño? related precipitation variability in Perú
P Lagos, Y Silva, E Nickl, K Mosquera
Advances in Geosciences 14, 231-237, 2008
Modes of covariability between sea surface temperature and wind stress intraseasonal anomalies along the coast of Peru from satellite observations (2000–2008)
B Dewitte, S Illig, L Renault, K Goubanova, K Takahashi, D Gushchina, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 116 (C4), 2011
The Central Pacific El Niño intraseasonal Kelvin wave
K Mosquera‐Vásquez, B Dewitte, S Illig
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 119 (10), 6605-6621, 2014
Vulnerability and adaptation to climate change in the Peruvian Central Andes
AG Martínez, E Núñez, Y Silva, K Takahashi, G Trasmonte
Proceedings of the International Conference on Southern Hemisphere …, 2006
The 2002/2003 El Nino: Equatorial waves sequence and their impact on sea surface temperature
K Mosquera‐Vásquez, B Dewitte, S Illig, K Takahashi, G Garric
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 118 (1), 346-357, 2013
A multi-institutional and interdisciplinary approach to the assessment of vulnerability and adaptation to climate change in the Peruvian Central Andes: problems and prospects
AG Martínez, K Takahashi, E Núñez, Y Silva, G Trasmonte, K Mosquera, ...
Advances in Geosciences 14 (14), 257-260, 2008
Variabilidad Intra-estacional de la onda de Kelvin ecuatorial en el Pacífico (2000-2007): simulación numérica y datos observados
K Mosquera, B Dewitte, P Lagos
Magistri et Doctores 9, p. 55, 2011
Variability and climate change in the Mantaro river basin, Central Peruvian Andes
Y Silva, K Takahashi, N Cruz, G Trasmonte, K Mosquera, E Nickl, ...
International Conference on Southern Hemisphere Meteorology and Oceanography …, 2006
State of the climate in 2017
R Abernethy, SA Ackerman, R Adler, A Albanil Encarnación, LS Aldeco, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 99 (8), Si-S310, 2018
Las diversas facetas de El Niño y sus efectos en la costa del Perú
B Dewitte, K Takahashi, K Goubanova, A Montecinos, K Mosquera, S Illig, ...
Lima, 2014
Numerical study of the response of the ocean to a northerly wind jet in the equatorial Eastern Pacific
K Mosquera
Advanecs in Geosciences, 2008
L'onde de Kelvin équatoriale océanique intrasaisonnière et les événements El Nino du Pacifique central
KA Mosquera Vásquez
Tolouse, Francia, 2015
Central Pacific El Niño equatorial wave dynamics (1990-2012)
K Mosquera-Vásquez, B Dewitte, S Illig
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2013
The strong far-eastern Pacific El Niño in 1925-26, revisited
K Takahashi, AG Martínez, KA Mosquera-Vásquez
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2013
Variabilidad Intra-estacional de la Onda de Kelvin Ecuatorial en el Pacífico (2000-2007): Simulación Numérica y datos observados
KA Mosquera Vásquez
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Articles 1–16