Shigang Yue
Cited by
Cited by
A Survey of Keystroke Dynamics Biometrics
PS Teh, ABJ Teoh, S Yue
The Scientific World Journal 2013 (, 24, 2013
Design and Implementation of an Anthropomorphic Hand for Replicating Human Grasping Functions
CH Xiong, WR Chen, BY Sun, MJ Liu, SG Yue, WB Chen
IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 652 - 671, 2016
Collision detection in complex dynamic scenes using an LGMD-based visual neural network with feature enhancement
S Yue, FC Rind
IEEE transactions on neural networks 17 (3), 705-716, 2006
ENRICHME: Perception and Interaction of an Assistive Robot for the Elderly at Home
S Coşar, M Fernandez-Carmona, R Agrigoroaie, J Pages, F Ferland, ...
International Journal of Social Robotics 12, 779-805, 2020
Colias: An autonomous micro robot for swarm robotic applications
F Arvin, J Murray, C Zhang, S Yue
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems 11 (7), 113, 2014
A bio-inspired visual collision detection mechanism for cars: Optimisation of a model of a locust neuron to a novel environment
S Yue, FC Rind, MS Keil, J Cuadri, R Stafford
Neurocomputing 69 (13-15), 1591-1598, 2006
Cue-based aggregation with a mobile robot swarm: a novel fuzzy-based method
F Arvin, AE Turgut, F Bazyari, KB Arikan, N Bellotto, S Yue
Adaptive Behavior 22 (3), 189-206, 2014
A decentralised neural model explaining optimal integration of navigational strategies in insects
X Sun, S Yue, M Mangan
eLife, 2020
A Bio-inspired Embedded Vision System for Autonomous Micro-robots: the LGMD Case
C Hu, F Arvin, C Xiong, S Yue
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems 1 (99), DOI: 10 …, 2016
Point-to-point trajectory planning of flexible redundant robot manipulators using genetic algorithms
S Yue, D Henrich, WL Xu, SK Tso
Robotica 20 (03), 269-280, 2002
Mechanical implementation of kinematic synergy for continual grasping generation
W Chen, C Xiong, S Yue
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 20 (3), 1249-1263, 2015
COSΦ: Artificial pheromone system for robotic swarms research
F Arvin, T Krajník, AE Turgut, S Yue
2015 IEEE/RSJ international conference on intelligent robots and systems …, 2015
Maximum-dynamic-payload trajectory for flexible robot manipulators with kinematic redundancy
S Yue, SK Tso, WL Xu
Mechanism and Machine theory 36 (6), 785-800, 2001
Investigation of cue-based aggregation in static and dynamic environments with a mobile robot swarm
F Arvin, AE Turgut, T Krajník, S Yue
Adaptive Behavior 24 (2), 102-118, 2016
Towards computational models and applications of insect visual systems for motion perception: A review
Q Fu, H Wang, C Hu, S Yue
Artificial life 25 (3), 263-311, 2019
A collision detection system for a mobile robot inspired by the locust visual system
S Yue, FC Rind
Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE international conference on robotics and …, 2005
A 14-bit 250 MS/s IF sampling pipelined ADC in 180 nm CMOS process
X Zheng, Z Wang, F Li, F Zhao, S Yue, C Zhang, Z Wang
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 63 (9), 1381-1392, 2016
A robust visual system for small target motion detection against cluttered moving backgrounds
H Wang, J Peng, X Zheng, S Yue
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 31 (3), 839-853, 2019
A directionally selective small target motion detecting visual neural network in cluttered backgrounds
H Wang, J Peng, S Yue
IEEE transactions on cybernetics 50 (4), 1541-1555, 2018
Shaping the collision selectivity in a looming sensitive neuron model with parallel on and off pathways and spike frequency adaptation
Q Fu, C Hu, J Peng, S Yue
Neural Networks 106, 127-143, 2018
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Articles 1–20