Alessio Bellino
Alessio Bellino
Assistant Professor, DiLab & DCC, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
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Cited by
TraceMatch: a computer vision technique for user input by tracing of animated controls
C Clarke, A Bellino, A Esteves, E Velloso, H Gellersen
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and …, 2016
Remote control by body movement in synchrony with orbiting widgets: an evaluation of tracematch
C Clarke, A Bellino, A Esteves, H Gellersen
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous …, 2017
A real-world approach to motivate students on the first class of a computer science course
A Bellino, V Herskovic, M Hund, J Munoz-Gama
ACM Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE) 21 (3), 1-23, 2021
Design and Evaluation of WriteBetter: a Corpus-based Writing Assistant
A Bellino, D Bascuñán
IEEE Access, 2020
SEQUENCE: a remote control technique to select objects by matching their rhythm
A Bellino
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 22 (4), 751-770, 2018
Touch&Screen: widget collection for large screens controlled through smartphones
A Bellino, F Cabitza, G De Michelis, F De Paoli
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous …, 2016
Two new gestures to zoom: enhancing online maps services
A Bellino
Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on World Wide Web, 167-170, 2015
Rhythmic-synchronization-based interaction: effect of interfering auditory stimuli, age and gender on users’ performances
A Bellino
Applied Sciences 12 (6), 3053, 2022
Protobject: a sensing tool for the rapid prototyping of UbiComp systems
A Bellino
Adjunct Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Joint Conference on …, 2016
Enhancing Pinch-Drag-Flick Paradigm with Two New Gestures: Two-Finger-Tap for Tablets and Tap&Tap for Smartphones
A Bellino
Human-Computer Interaction–INTERACT 2015: 15th IFIP TC 13 International …, 2015
Design and Evaluation of Protobject: A Tool for Rapid Prototyping of Interactive Products
A Bellino, G De Michelis, F De Paoli
IEEE Access 11, 13280-13292, 2023
TickTacking–Drawing trajectories with two buttons and rhythm
D Rocchesso, A Bellino, A Perez
Proceedings of the Sound and Music Computing Conference, 2023
CameraKeyboard: A novel interaction technique for text entry through smartphone cameras
A Bellino, V Herskovic
IEEE Access 7, 167982-167996, 2019
Protobject as a tool for teaching computational thinking to designers: student perceptions on usability
A Bellino, V Herskovic
Proceedings of the 15th Biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter, 1-8, 2023
Youtube4two: socializing video platform for two co-present people
A Bellino, G De Michelis, F De Paoli
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on World Wide Web, 131-134, 2014
Multisensory trajectory control at one interaction point, with rhythm
A Bellino, D Rocchesso, R Mulè, L D'Arrigo Reitano
Proceedings of the 19th International Audio Mostly Conference: Explorations …, 2024
Controlling Trajectories with OneButton and Rhythm
A Bellino, D Rocchesso
Proceedings of the 2024 International Conference on Advanced Visual …, 2024
Face-to-Face Applications: the Usage of Large Screens to Increase Co-Present Social Engagement
A Bellino
INTERACT 2015 Adjunct Proceedings. 15th IFIP TC.13 International Conference …, 2015
Spacetime trajectories as overlapping rhythms
D Rocchesso, A Bellino, G Ferrara, A Perez
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 192, 103358, 2024
SoundOrbit: motion-correlation interaction with auditory orbital trajectories
A Bellino, D Rocchesso
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 1-16, 2024
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Articles 1–20