Woon-Seng Gan
Woon-Seng Gan
Professor of Audio Engineering and Director of Smart Nation Lab @ Nanyang Technological University,
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Cited by
Recent advances on active noise control: open issues and innovative applications
Y Kajikawa, WS Gan, SM Kuo
APSIPA Transactions on Signal and Information Processing 1, e3, 2012
Subband Adaptive Filtering: Theory and Implementation
KA Lee, WS Gan, SM Kuo
Subband Adaptive Filtering: Theory and Implementation, 2009
Improving convergence of the NLMS algorithm using constrained subband updates
KA Lee, WS Gan
IEEE signal processing letters 11 (9), 736-739, 2004
Active noise control system for headphone applications
SM Kuo, S Mitra, WS Gan
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 14 (2), 331-335, 2006
A review of parametric acoustic array in air
WS Gan, J Yang, T Kamakura
Applied Acoustics 73 (12), 1211-1219, 2012
Digital Signal Processors: Architectures, Implementations, And Applications (With Cd)
SM Kuo
Pearson Education India, 2005
An integrated audio and active noise control headset
WS Gan, SM Kuo
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 48 (2), 242-247, 2002
Spatial audio for soundscape design: Recording and reproduction
JY Hong, J He, B Lam, R Gupta, WS Gan
Applied sciences 7 (6), 627, 2017
Ten questions concerning active noise control in the built environment
B Lam, WS Gan, DY Shi, M Nishimura, S Elliott
Building and Environment 200, 107928, 2021
Steering of directional sound beams
J Yang, WS Gan, MH Er, CMK Lee, KS Tan, YH Liew, FA Karnapi, K Sha, ...
US Patent 7,146,011, 2006
Adaptive feedback active noise control headset: Implementation, evaluation and its extensions
WS Gan, S Mitra, SM Kuo
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 51 (3), 975-982, 2005
Quality assessment of acoustic environment reproduction methods for cinematic virtual reality in soundscape applications
JY Hong, B Lam, ZT Ong, K Ooi, WS Gan, J Kang, J Feng, ST Tan
Building and environment 149, 1-14, 2019
Applications of adaptive feedback active noise control system
SM Kuo, X Kong, WS Gan
IEEE transactions on control systems technology 11 (2), 216-220, 2003
Effects of adding natural sounds to urban noises on the perceived loudness of noise and soundscape quality
JY Hong, ZT Ong, B Lam, K Ooi, WS Gan, J Kang, J Feng, ST Tan
Science of the Total Environment 711, 134571, 2020
Inherent decorrelating and least perturbation properties of the normalized subband adaptive filter
KA Lee, WS Gan
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 54 (11), 4475-4480, 2006
A digital beamsteerer for difference frequency in a parametric array
WS Gan, J Yang, KS Tan, MH Er
IEEE Transactions on audio, speech, and language processing 14 (3), 1018-1025, 2006
Development of parametric loudspeaker
C Shi, WS Gan
IEEE potentials 29 (6), 20-24, 2010
Adaptive recurrent fuzzy neural networks for active noise control
QZ Zhang, WS Gan, Y Zhou
Journal of Sound and Vibration 296 (4-5), 935-948, 2006
Soundscape assessment: Towards a validated translation of perceptual attributes in different languages
F Aletta, T Oberman, Ö Axelsson, H Xie, Y Zhang, SK Lau, SK Tang, ...
Inter-noise and noise-con congress and conference proceedings 261 (3), 3137-3146, 2020
Feedforward selective fixed-filter active noise control: Algorithm and implementation
D Shi, WS Gan, B Lam, S Wen
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 28, 1479-1492, 2020
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Articles 1–20