W. A. T. Nogueira
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Cited by
Quantum key distribution session with 16-dimensional photonic states
S Etcheverry, G Cañas, ES Gómez, WAT Nogueira, C Saavedra, ...
Scientific reports 3, 2013
Experimental quantum tomography of photonic qudits via mutually unbiased basis
G Lima, L Neves, R Guzmán, ES Gómez, WAT Nogueira, A Delgado, ...
Optics express 19 (4), 3542-3552, 2011
Experimental observation of spatial antibunching of photons
WAT Nogueira, SP Walborn, S Pádua, CH Monken
Physical review letters 86 (18), 4009, 2001
Long-distance distribution of genuine energy-time entanglement
A Cuevas, G Carvacho, G Saavedra, J Cariñe, WAT Nogueira, ...
Nature communications 4, 2013
Generation of a two-photon singlet beam
WAT Nogueira, SP Walborn, S Pádua, CH Monken
Physical review letters 92 (4), 043602, 2004
Optical Bell-state analysis in the coincidence basis
SP Walborn, WAT Nogueira, S Pádua, CH Monken
EPL (Europhysics Letters) 62 (2), 161, 2003
Quantum key distribution with untrusted detectors
P Gonzalez, L Rebon, TF da Silva, M Figueroa, C Saavedra, M Curty, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1410.1422, 2014
Spatial antibunching of photons with parametric down-conversion
WAT Nogueira, SP Walborn, S Pádua, CH Monken
Physical Review A 66 (5), 053810, 2002
Interference and complementarity for two-photon hybrid entangled states
WAT Nogueira, M Santibanez, S Pádua, A Delgado, C Saavedra, L Neves, ...
Physical Review A 82 (4), 042104, 2010
Fourth-order image formation by spontaneous parametric down-conversion: The effect of anisotropy
AG da Costa Moura, WAT Nogueira, CH Monken
Optics Communications 283 (14), 2866-2871, 2010
Quantifying the non-Gaussianity of the state of spatially correlated down-converted photons
ES Gómez, WAT Nogueira, CH Monken, G Lima
Optics express 20 (4), 3753-3772, 2012
Non-Gaussian state generation certified using the EPR-steering inequality
ES Gómez, G Cañas, E Acuña, WAT Nogueira, G Lima
arXiv preprint arXiv:1501.02403, 2015
Non-Gaussian-state generation certified using the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-steering inequality
ES Gómez, G Cañas, E Acuña, WAT Nogueira, G Lima
Physical Review A 91 (1), 013801, 2015
SP Walborn, WAT Nogueira, AN de Oliveira, S Pádua, CH Monken
Modern Physics Letters B 19 (01n02), 1-19, 2005
Higher quantum bound for the Vértesi-Bene-Bell inequality and the role of positive operator-valued measures regarding its threshold detection efficiency
JF Barra, ES Gómez, G Cañas, WAT Nogueira, L Neves, G Lima
Physical Review A 86 (4), 042114, 2012
Transverse spatial and frequency properties of two-photon states generated by spontaneous parametric down-conversion
AG Moura, WAT Nogueira, SP Walborn, CH Monken
arXiv preprint arXiv:0806.4624, 2008
A higher quantum bound for the V\'ertesi-Bene-Bell-inequality and the role of POVMs regarding its threshold detection efficiency
JF Barra, ES Gómez, G Cañas, WAT Nogueira, L Neves, G Lima
arXiv preprint arXiv:1207.0712, 2012
Defocusing microscopy with an arbitrary size for the aperture of the objective lens
IF Santos, WAT Nogueira, S Etcheverry, C Saavedra, G Lima
arXiv preprint arXiv:1201.0649, 2012
Optimal Reconstruction of Photonic Qudit States
ES Gómez, G Lima, L Neves, R Guzmán, W Nogueira, A Delgado, ...
Latin America Optics and Photonics Conference, MB31, 2010
Optimal reconstruction of photonic qudit states
G Lima, R Guzmán, L Neves, WAT Nogueira, A Delgado, A Vargas, ...
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Articles 1–20