Efficient tuition fees and examinations RJ Gary-Bobo, A Trannoy Journal of the European Economic Association 6 (6), 1211-1243, 2008 | 72 | 2008 |
Estimation of class-Size effects, using" Maimonides' Rule" and other instruments: The case of French junior high schools RJ Gary-Bobo, MB Mahjoub Annals of Economics and Statistics/ANNALES D'ÉCONOMIE ET DE STATISTIQUE, 193-225, 2013 | 63 | 2013 |
On the optimal number of representatives E Auriol, RJ Gary-Bobo Public Choice 153 (3), 419-445, 2012 | 62 | 2012 |
Optimal student loans and graduate tax under moral hazard and adverse selection RJ Gary‐Bobo, A Trannoy The RAND Journal of Economics 46 (3), 546-576, 2015 | 47 | 2015 |
Faut-il augmenter les droits d'inscription à l'université? R Gary-Bobo, A Trannoy Revue française d'économie 19 (3), 189-237, 2005 | 47 | 2005 |
Cournot-Walras and locally consistent equilibria RJ Gary-Bobo Journal of Economic Theory 49 (1), 10-32, 1989 | 45 | 1989 |
Birth order and sibship sex composition as instruments in the study of education and earnings RJ Gary-Bobo, N Picard, A Prieto CEPR Discussion Paper, 2006 | 43 | 2006 |
Grade retention and unobserved heterogeneity RJ Gary‐Bobo, M Goussé, JM Robin Quantitative Economics 7 (3), 781-820, 2016 | 41 | 2016 |
A structural econometric model of price discrimination in the French mortgage lending industry RJ Gary-Bobo, S Larribeau International Journal of Industrial Organization 22 (1), 101-134, 2004 | 40 | 2004 |
Sharing budgetary austerity under free mobility and asymmetric information: An optimal regulation approach to fiscal federalism ML Breuillé, RJ Gary-Bobo Journal of Public Economics 91 (5-6), 1177-1196, 2007 | 39 | 2007 |
Does speed signal ability? The impact of grade repetitions on employment and wages T Brodaty, RJ Gary-Bobo, A Prieto CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP6832, 2008 | 38 | 2008 |
Efficient tuition fees, examinations, and subsidies RJ Gary-Bobo, A Trannoy Examinations, and Subsidies (May 2004), 2004 | 37 | 2004 |
Negotiation of profit-sharing contracts in industry B Bensaid, RJ Gary-Bobo European Economic Review 35 (5), 1069-1085, 1991 | 34 | 1991 |
Les traitements des enseignants français, 1960-2004: la voie de la démoralisation? B Bouzidi, T Jaaidane, R Gary-Bobo Revue d'économie politique 117 (3), 323-363, 2007 | 33 | 2007 |
Education, distributive justice, and adverse selection M Fleurbaey, RJ Gary-Bobo, D Maguain Journal of Public Economics 84 (1), 113-150, 2002 | 32 | 2002 |
Do risk aversion and wages explain educational choices? T Brodaty, RJ Gary-Bobo, A Prieto Journal of Public Economics 117, 125-148, 2014 | 30 | 2014 |
Polling mechanisms and the demand revelation problem RJ Gary-Bobo, T Jaaidane Journal of Public Economics 76 (2), 203-238, 2000 | 30 | 2000 |
Optimal state‐contingent regulation under limited liability R Gary‐Bobo, Y Spiegel The RAND Journal of Economics 37 (2), 431-448, 2006 | 29 | 2006 |
On the existence of equilibrium points in a class of asymmetric market entry games RJ Gary-Bobo Games and Economic Behavior 2 (3), 239-246, 1990 | 28 | 1990 |
Commitment value of contracts under renegotiation constraints B Bensaid, RJ Gary-Bobo Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 1423-1429, 1993 | 27 | 1993 |