egon w. stemle
egon w. stemle
Other namesegon stemle
Institute for Applied Linguistics, Eurac Research
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Cited by
The PAISÀ corpus of italian web texts
V Lyding, E Stemle, C Borghetti, M Brunello, S Castagnoli, F Dell'Orletta, ...
9th Web as Corpus Workshop (WaC-9)@ EACL 2014, 36-43, 2014
Anaphoric annotation of wikipedia and blogs in the live memories corpus
KJ Rodrıguez, F Delogu, Y Versley, EW Stemle, M Poesio
Proceedings of LREC, 157-163, 2010
Harnessing artificial intelligence technology and social media data to support Cultural Ecosystem Service assessments
L Egarter Vigl, T Marsoner, V Giombini, C Pecher, H Simion, E Stemle, ...
People and Nature 3 (3), 673-685, 2021
A report on the 2020 VUA and TOEFL metaphor detection shared task
CW Leong, BB Klebanov, C Hamill, E Stemle, R Ubale, X Chen
Proceedings of the second workshop on figurative language processing, 18-29, 2020
Harvesting relations from the web - Quantifiying the impact of filtering functions
S Blohm, P Cimiano, E Stemle
Proceedings of the 22nd Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-07 …, 2007
KoKo: an L1 Learner Corpus for German.
A Abel, A Glaznieks, L Nicolas, E Stemle
LREC, 2414-2421, 2014
The DiDi corpus of south Tyrolean CMC data: A multilingual corpus of Facebook texts
JC Frey, A Glaznieks, EW Stemle
Proceedings of the Third Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics …, 2016
The DiDi Corpus of South Tyrolean CMC Data
JC Frey, A Glaznieks, EW Stemle
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Computer …, 2015
Working together towards an ideal infrastructure for language learner corpora
EW Stemle, A Boyd, M Jansen, TL Tiedemann, NM Preradović, A Rosen, ...
Learner Corpus Research Conference, 2019
An extended version of the KoKo German L1 Learner corpus
A Abel, A Glaznieks, L Nicolas, E Stemle
Proceedings of the Third Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics …, 2016
Fiasco: Filtering the internet by automatic subtree classification, osnabruck
D Bauer, J Degen, X Deng, P Herger, J Gasthaus, E Giesbrecht, L Jansen, ...
Building and Exploring Web Corpora: Proceedings of the 3rd Web as Corpus …, 2007
Using language learner data for metaphor detection
E Stemle, A Onysko
Proceedings of the workshop on figurative language processing, 133-138, 2018
Collecting language data of non-public social media profiles
JC Frey, EW Stemle, A Glaznieks
Workshop Proceedings of the 12th Edition of the KONVENS Conference, 11-15, 2014
Establishing a standardised procedure for building learner corpora
A Glaznieks, L Nicolas, E Stemle, A Abel, V Lyding
Apples: journal of applied language studies, 2014
Challenges of building a CMC corpus for analyzing writer's style by age: The DiDi project
A Glaznieks, EW Stemle
Journal for language technology and computational linguistics 29 (2), 31-57, 2014
Closing a gap in the language resources landscape: Groundwork and best practices from projects on computer-mediated communication in four European countries.
M Beißwenger, T Chanier, I Chiari, T Erjavec, D Fišer, A Herold, ...
CLARIN Annual Conference 2016 136, 1-19, 2017
Correcting OCR errors for German in Fraktur font
M Généreux, EW Stemle, V Lyding, L Nicolas
Proceedings of the First Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics …, 2014
On the detection of neologism candidates as a basis for language observation and lexicographic endeavors: the STyrLogism project
A Abel, EW Stemle
Proceedings of the XVIII EURALEX International Congress: Lexicography in …, 2018
KrdWrd - The Architecture for Unified Processing of Web Content
JM Steger, EW Stemle
Fifth Web as Corpus Workshop (WAC5), 63, 2009
The MT@ BZ Corpus: machine translation & legal language
F De Camillis, EW Stemle, E Chiocchetti, F Fernicola
Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of the European Association for …, 2023
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Articles 1–20