Alessandro Minichilli
Alessandro Minichilli
Associate Professor, Bocconi University
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Top management teams in family‐controlled companies:‘familiness’,‘faultlines’, and their impact on financial performance
A Minichilli, G Corbetta, IC MacMillan
Journal of Management studies 47 (2), 205-222, 2010
Is family leadership always beneficial?
D Miller, A Minichilli, G Corbetta
Strategic Management Journal 34 (5), 553-571, 2013
Making boards effective: An empirical examination of board task performance
A Minichilli, A Zattoni, F Zona
British Journal of Management 20 (1), 55-74, 2009
Gender interactions within the family firm
MD Amore, O Garofalo, A Minichilli
Management Science 60 (5), 1083-1097, 2014
Weathering the storm: Family ownership, governance, and performance through the financial and economic crisis
A Minichilli, M Brogi, A Calabrò
Corporate Governance: An International Review 24 (6), 552-568, 2016
The courage to choose! Primogeniture and leadership succession in family firms
A Calabrò, A Minichilli, MD Amore, M Brogi
Strategic Management Journal 39 (7), 2014-2035, 2018
When do non‐family CEO s outperform in family firms? Agency and behavioural agency perspectives
D Miller, I Le Breton‐Miller, A Minichilli, G Corbetta, D Pittino
Journal of Management Studies 51 (4), 547-572, 2014
Board task performance: An exploration of micro‐and macro‐level determinants of board effectiveness
A Minichilli, A Zattoni, S Nielsen, M Huse
Journal of organizational behavior 33 (2), 193-215, 2012
A contingency model of boards of directors and firm innovation: The moderating role of firm size
F Zona, A Zattoni, A Minichilli
British Journal of Management 24 (3), 299-315, 2013
Board leadership and strategy involvement in small firms: A team production approach
S Machold, M Huse, A Minichilli, M Nordqvist
Corporate Governance: An International Review 19 (4), 368-383, 2011
Family involvement and firms’ establishment mode choice in foreign markets
A Boellis, S Mariotti, A Minichilli, L Piscitello
Journal of International Business Studies 47, 929-950, 2016
CEO succession mechanisms, organizational context, and performance: A socio‐emotional wealth perspective on family‐controlled firms
A Minichilli, M Nordqvist, G Corbetta, MD Amore
Journal of Management Studies 51 (7), 1153-1179, 2014
Natural disasters as a source of entrepreneurial opportunity: Family business resilience after an earthquake
C Salvato, M Sargiacomo, MD Amore, A Minichilli
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 14 (4), 594-615, 2020
Understanding the leadership role of the board chairperson through a team production approach
J Gabrielsson, M Huse, A Minichilli
International journal of leadership studies 3 (1), 21-39, 2007
Integrating agency and resource dependence theory: Firm profitability, industry regulation, and board task performance
A Pugliese, A Minichilli, A Zattoni
Journal of Business Research 67 (6), 1189-1200, 2014
Strategic leadership and leaders in entrepreneurial contexts: A nexus for innovation and impact missed?
Z Simsek, JJP Jansen, A Minichilli, A Escriba‐Esteve
Journal of Management Studies 52 (4), 463-478, 2015
Business families in times of crises: The backbone of family firm resilience and continuity
A Calabrò, H Frank, A Minichilli, J Suess-Reyes
Journal of Family Business Strategy 12 (2), 100442, 2021
How do managerial successions shape corporate financial policies in family firms?
MD Amore, A Minichilli, G Corbetta
Journal of Corporate Finance 17 (4), 1016-1027, 2011
Corporate boards as assets for operating in the new Europe: The value of process-oriented boardroom dynamics
M Huse, A Minichilli, M Schøning
The Value Creating Board, 347-361, 2008
Board evaluations: Making a fit between the purpose and the system
A Minichilli, J Gabrielsson, M Huse
Corporate Governance: An International Review 15 (4), 609-622, 2007
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