Stéphanie Caharel
Stéphanie Caharel
Full Professor, Université de Lorraine, France
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ERP evidence for the speed of face categorization in the human brain: Disentangling the contribution of low-level visual cues from face perception
B Rossion, S Caharel
Vision research 51 (12), 1297-1311, 2011
Familiarity and emotional expression influence an early stage of face processing: an electrophysiological study
S Caharel, N Courtay, C Bernard, R Lalonde, M Rebaï
Brain and cognition 59 (1), 96-100, 2005
ERPs associated with familiarity and degree of familiarity during face recognition
S Caharel, S Poiroux, C Bernard, F Thibaut, R Lalonde, M Rebai
International Journal of Neuroscience 112 (12), 1499-1512, 2002
Early adaptation to repeated unfamiliar faces across viewpoint changes in the right hemisphere: evidence from the N170 ERP component
S Caharel, O d’Arripe, M Ramon, C Jacques, B Rossion
Neuropsychologia 47 (3), 639-643, 2009
The effects of familiarity and emotional expression on face processing examined by ERPs in patients with schizophrenia
S Caharel, C Bernard, F Thibaut, S Haouzir, C Di Maggio-Clozel, G Allio, ...
Schizophrenia research 95 (1-3), 186-196, 2007
The effects of inversion and eye displacements of familiar and unknown faces on early and late-stage ERPs
S Caharel, N Fiori, C Bernard, R Lalonde, M Rebaï
International Journal of Psychophysiology 62 (1), 141-151, 2006
Other-race and inversion effects during the structural encoding stage of face processing in a race categorization task: An event-related brain potential study
S Caharel, B Montalan, E Fromager, C Bernard, R Lalonde, R Mohamed
International Journal of Psychophysiology 79 (2), 266-271, 2011
The speed of recognition of personally familiar faces
M Ramon, S Caharel, B Rossion
Perception 40 (4), 437-449, 2011
Early holistic face-like processing of Arcimboldo paintings in the right occipito-temporal cortex: evidence from the N170 ERP component
S Caharel, A Leleu, C Bernard, MP Viggiano, R Lalonde, M Rebaï
International Journal of Psychophysiology 90 (2), 157-164, 2013
Face familiarity decisions take 200 msec in the human brain: electrophysiological evidence from a go/no-go speeded task
S Caharel, M Ramon, B Rossion
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 26 (1), 81-95, 2014
Recognizing an individual face: 3D shape contributes earlier than 2D surface reflectance information
S Caharel, F Jiang, V Blanz, B Rossion
Neuroimage 47 (4), 1809-1818, 2009
Early (N170/M170) face-sensitivity despite right lateral occipital brain damage in acquired prosopagnosia
EA Prieto, S Caharel, R Henson, B Rossion
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 5, 138, 2011
Early electrophysiological correlates of adaptation to personally familiar and unfamiliar faces across viewpoint changes
S Caharel, C Jacques, O d'Arripe, M Ramon, B Rossion
Brain research 1387, 85-98, 2011
The early visual encoding of a face (N170) is viewpoint-dependent: A parametric ERP-adaptation study
S Caharel, K Collet, B Rossion
Biological Psychology 106, 18-27, 2015
The N170 is sensitive to long-term (personal) familiarity of a face identity
S Caharel, B Rossion
Neuroscience 458, 244-255, 2021
Factors influencing spatial frequency extraction in faces: A review
C Jeantet, S Caharel, R Schwan, J Lighezzolo-Alnot, V Laprevote
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 93, 123-138, 2018
Time course of spatial frequency integration in face perception: An ERP study
C Jeantet, V Laprevote, R Schwan, T Schwitzer, L Maillard, ...
International Journal of Psychophysiology 143, 105-115, 2019
Perceptual interactions between visual processing of facial familiarity and emotional expression: an event-related potentials study during task-switching
A Leleu, S Caharel, J Carré, B Montalan, M Snoussi, A Vom Hofe, ...
Neuroscience Letters 482 (2), 106-111, 2010
Sensitivity of N170 and late positive components to social categorization and emotional valence
B Montalan, S Caharel, B Personnaz, C Le Dantec, R Germain, C Bernard, ...
Brain Research 1233, 120-128, 2008
Emotional contexts modulate intentional memory suppression of neutral faces: insights from ERPs
P Lapo, R Stefania, G Giorgio, M Tessa, C Stephanie, G Fabio, ...
International Journal of Psychophysiology, 106 106, 1-13, 2016
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