Martin Rolfs
Martin Rolfs
Professor of Active Perception and Cognition, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
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Length, frequency, and predictability effects of words on eye movements in reading
R Kliegl, E Grabner, M Rolfs, R Engbert
European journal of cognitive psychology 16 (1-2), 262-284, 2004
Microsaccades: small steps on a long way
M Rolfs
Vision research 49 (20), 2415-2441, 2009
Visual stability based on remapping of attention pointers
P Cavanagh, AR Hunt, A Afraz, M Rolfs
Trends in cognitive sciences 14 (4), 147-153, 2010
Predictive remapping of attention across eye movements
M Rolfs, D Jonikaitis, H Deubel, P Cavanagh
Nature Neuroscience 14 (2), 252-256, 2011
Toward a model of microsaccade generation: The case of microsaccadic inhibition
M Rolfs, R Kliegl, R Engbert
Journal of vision 8 (11), 5-5, 2008
Rapid simultaneous enhancement of visual sensitivity and perceived contrast during saccade preparation
M Rolfs, M Carrasco
Journal of Neuroscience 32 (40), 13744-13752a, 2012
Twin surrogates to test for complex synchronisation
M Thiel, MC Romano, J Kurths, M Rolfs, R Kliegl
Europhysics Letters 75 (4), 535, 2006
Visual adaptation of the perception of causality
M Rolfs, M Dambacher, P Cavanagh
Current Biology 23 (3), 250-254, 2013
Post-saccadic location judgments reveal remapping of saccade targets to non-foveal locations
T Collins, M Rolfs, H Deubel, P Cavanagh
Journal of vision 9 (5), 29-29, 2009
Allocation of attention across saccades
D Jonikaitis, M Szinte, M Rolfs, P Cavanagh
Journal of neurophysiology 109 (5), 1425-1434, 2013
The reference frame of the tilt aftereffect
T Knapen, M Rolfs, M Wexler, P Cavanagh
Journal of Vision 10 (1), 8-8, 2010
Crossmodal coupling of oculomotor control and spatial attention in vision and audition
M Rolfs, R Engbert, R Kliegl
Experimental Brain Research 166, 427-439, 2005
Shortening and prolongation of saccade latencies following microsaccades
M Rolfs, J Laubrock, R Kliegl
Experimental Brain Research 169, 369-376, 2006
Microsaccades are an index of covert attention: commentary on Horowitz, Fine, Fencsik, Yurgenson, and Wolfe (2007)
J Laubrock, R Engbert, M Rolfs, R Kliegl
Psychological Science 18 (4), 364-366, 2007
The reference frame of the motion aftereffect is retinotopic
T Knapen, M Rolfs, P Cavanagh
Journal of vision 9 (5), 16-16, 2009
Attention in active vision: A perspective on perceptual continuity across saccades
M Rolfs
Perception 44 (8-9), 900-919, 2015
Event-related potentials reveal rapid verification of predicted visual input
M Dambacher, M Rolfs, K Göllner, R Kliegl, AM Jacobs
PloS one 4 (3), e5047, 2009
When do microsaccades follow spatial attention?
J Laubrock, R Kliegl, M Rolfs, R Engbert
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 72 (3), 683-694, 2010
Microsaccade orientation supports attentional enhancement opposite a peripheral cue: commentary on Tse, Sheinberg, and Logothetis (2003)
M Rolfs, R Engbert, R Kliegl
Psychological Science 15 (10), 705-707, 2004
Saccadic eye movements impose a natural bottleneck on visual short-term memory.
S Ohl, M Rolfs
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 43 (5), 736, 2017
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