Jan Vanhoof
Jan Vanhoof
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Exploring data use practices around Europe: Identifying enablers and barriers
K Schildkamp, L Karbautzki, J Vanhoof
Studies in educational evaluation 42, 15-24, 2014
How may teacher evaluation have an impact on professional development? A multilevel analysis
E Delvaux, J Vanhoof, M Tuytens, E Vekeman, G Devos, P Van Petegem
Teaching and teacher education 36, 1-11, 2013
Teachers’ decision-making: Data based or intuition driven?
K Vanlommel, R Van Gasse, J Vanhoof, P Van Petegem
International Journal of Educational Research 83, 75-83, 2017
Matching internal and external evaluation in an era of accountability and school development: Lessons from a Flemish perspective
J Vanhoof, P Van Petegem
Studies in educational evaluation 33 (2), 101-119, 2007
Using school performance feedback: Perceptions of primary school principals
G Verhaeghe, J Vanhoof, M Valcke, P Van Petegem
School effectiveness and school improvement 21 (2), 167-188, 2010
Attitudes towards school self-evaluation
J Vanhoof, P Van Petegem, S De Maeyer
Studies in educational evaluation 35 (1), 21-28, 2009
Teacher collaboration on the use of pupil learning outcome data: A rich environment for professional learning?
R Van Gasse, K Vanlommel, J Vanhoof, P Van Petegem
Teaching and Teacher Education 60, 387-397, 2016
Effective field trips in nature: The interplay between novelty and learning
J Boeve-de Pauw, J Van Hoof, P Van Petegem
Journal of Biological Education 53 (1), 21-33, 2019
The use of school self-evaluation results in the Netherlands and Flanders
K Schildkamp, J Vanhoof, P Van Petegem, A Visscher
British Educational Research Journal 38 (1), 125-152, 2012
Teachers' perceptions of intergenerational knowledge flows
K Geeraerts, J Vanhoof, P Van den Bossche
Teaching and teacher education 56, 150-161, 2016
The influence of competences and support on school performance feedback use
J Vanhoof, G Verhaeghe, JP Verhaeghe, M Valcke, P Van Petegem
Educational studies 37 (2), 141-154, 2011
Data use by teachers: The impact of motivation, decision-making style, supportive relationships and reflective capacity
K Vanlommel, J Vanhoof, P Van Petegem
Educational Studies 42 (1), 36-53, 2016
Linking the policymaking capacities of schools and the quality of school self-evaluations: The view of school leaders
J Vanhoof, P Van Petegem, JC Verhoeven, I Buvens
Educational Management Administration & Leadership 37 (5), 667-686, 2009
Relating pre-service teachers' approaches to learning and preferences for constructivist learning environments
P Van Petegem, V Donche, J Vanhoof
Learning Environments Research 8, 309-332, 2005
Evaluating the quality of self-evaluations: The (mis) match between internal and external meta-evaluation
J Vanhoof, P Van Petegem
Studies in Educational Evaluation 36 (1-2), 20-26, 2010
Teachers’ high-stakes decision making. How teaching approaches affect rational and intuitive data collection
K Vanlommel, R Van Gasse, J Vanhoof, P Van Petegem
Teaching and teacher education 71, 108-119, 2018
The impact of collaboration on teachers’ individual data use
R Van Gasse, K Vanlommel, J Vanhoof, P Van Petegem
School Effectiveness and School Improvement 28 (3), 489-504, 2017
Data use by Flemish school principals: Impact of attitude, self-efficacy and external expectations
J Vanhoof, K Vanlommel, S Thijs, H Vanderlocht
Educational Studies 40 (1), 48-62, 2014
Parent and student voice in evaluation and planning in schools
M Brown, G McNamara, S O’Brien, C Skerritt, J O’Hara, J Faddar, S Cinqir, ...
Improving Schools 23 (1), 85-102, 2020
Feedback over schoolprestatie-indicatoren als strategisch instrument voor schoolontwikkeling? Lessen uit twee Vlaamse cases.
P Van Petegem, J Vanhoof
Pedagogische Studiën, 2004
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