Carlos Sarraute
Carlos Sarraute
Sr. Data Science Manager, Wildlife Studios
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Cited by
The value of big data for credit scoring: Enhancing financial inclusion using mobile phone data and social network analytics
M Óskarsdóttir, C Bravo, C Sarraute, J Vanthienen, B Baesens
Applied Soft Computing 74, 26-39, 2019
POMDPs make better hackers: Accounting for uncertainty in penetration testing
C Sarraute, O Buffet, J Hoffmann
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 26 (1), 1816-1824, 2012
Social network analytics for churn prediction in telco: Model building, evaluation and network architecture
M Óskarsdóttir, C Bravo, W Verbeke, C Sarraute, B Baesens, ...
Expert Systems with Applications 85, 204-220, 2017
Socioeconomic correlations and stratification in social-communication networks
Y Leo, E Fleury, JI Alvarez-Hamelin, C Sarraute, M Karsai
Journal of The Royal Society Interface 13 (125), 20160598, 2016
Attack planning in the real world
JL Obes, C Sarraute, G Richarte
arXiv preprint arXiv:1306.4044, 2013
Inferring personal economic status from social network location
S Luo, F Morone, C Sarraute, M Travizano, HA Makse
Nature Communications 8 (1), 15227, 2017
Penetration testing== POMDP solving?
C Sarraute, O Buffet, J Hoffmann
arXiv preprint arXiv:1306.4714, 2013
Complete trajectory reconstruction from sparse mobile phone data
G Chen, AC Viana, M Fiore, C Sarraute
EPJ Data Science 8 (1), 1-24, 2019
An algorithm to find optimal attack paths in nondeterministic scenarios
C Sarraute, G Richarte, J Lucángeli Obes
Proceedings of the 4th ACM workshop on Security and artificial intelligence …, 2011
On the regularity of human mobility
EMR Oliveira, AC Viana, C Sarraute, J Brea, I Alvarez-Hamelin
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 33, 73-90, 2016
A study of age and gender seen through mobile phone usage patterns in mexico
C Sarraute, P Blanc, J Burroni
2014 IEEE/ACM international conference on advances in social networks …, 2014
Segregated interactions in urban and online space
X Dong, AJ Morales, E Jahani, E Moro, B Lepri, B Bozkaya, C Sarraute, ...
EPJ Data Science 9 (1), 20, 2020
Decentralized Data Marketplace
M Travizano, M Minnoni, D Fernandez, A Futoransky, GE Ajzenman, ...
US Patent App. 16/539,863, 2020
Mobile data traffic modeling: Revealing temporal facets
EMR Oliveira, AC Viana, KP Naveen, C Sarraute
Computer Networks 112, 176-193, 2017
A comparative study of social network classifiers for predicting churn in the telecommunication industry
M Óskarsdóttir, C Bravo, W Verbeke, C Sarraute, B Baesens, ...
2016 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks …, 2016
Enriching sparse mobility information in call detail records
G Chen, S Hoteit, AC Viana, M Fiore, C Sarraute
Computer Communications 122, 44-58, 2018
MobHet: Predicting human mobility using heterogeneous data sources
LM Silveira, JM de Almeida, HT Marques-Neto, C Sarraute, A Ziviani
Computer Communications 95, 54-68, 2016
Harnessing mobile phone social network topology to infer users demographic attributes
J Brea, J Burroni, M Minnoni, C Sarraute
Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Social Network Mining and Analysis, 1-9, 2014
Simulating cyber-attacks for fun and profit
A Futoransky, F Miranda, J Orlicki, C Sarraute
arXiv preprint arXiv:1006.1919, 2010
Call detail records to characterize usages and mobility events of phone users
Y Leo, A Busson, C Sarraute, E Fleury
Computer communications 95, 43-53, 2016
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