Renaud Delbru
Cited by
Cited by
Sindice. com: a document-oriented lookup index for open linked data
E Oren, R Delbru, M Catasta, R Cyganiak, H Stenzhorn, G Tummarello
International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies 3 (1), 37-52, 2008
Sindice. com: Weaving the open linked data
G Tummarello, R Delbru, E Oren
The Semantic Web: 6th International Semantic Web Conference, 2nd Asian …, 2007
Extending faceted navigation for RDF data
E Oren, R Delbru, S Decker
International semantic web conference, 559-572, 2006
Sig. ma: Live views on the web of data
G Tummarello, R Cyganiak, M Catasta, S Danielczyk, R Delbru, S Decker
Proceedings of the 19th international conference on World wide web, 1301-1304, 2010
Searching web data: An entity retrieval and high-performance indexing model
R Delbru, S Campinas, G Tummarello
Journal of Web Semantics 10, 33-58, 2012
Produce and consume linked data with Drupal!
S Corlosquet, R Delbru, T Clark, A Polleres, S Decker
International Semantic Web Conference, 763-778, 2009
ActiveRDF: Object-oriented semantic web programming
E Oren, R Delbru, S Gerke, A Haller, S Decker
Proceedings of the 16th international conference on World Wide Web, 817-824, 2007
Introducing RDF graph summary with application to assisted SPARQL formulation
S Campinas, TE Perry, D Ceccarelli, R Delbru, G Tummarello
2012 23rd International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications …, 2012
Semantic sitemaps: Efficient and flexible access to datasets on the semantic web
R Cyganiak, H Stenzhorn, R Delbru, S Decker, G Tummarello
The Semantic Web: Research and Applications: 5th European Semantic Web …, 2008
Hierarchical link analysis for ranking web data
R Delbru, N Toupikov, M Catasta, G Tummarello, S Decker
The Semantic Web: Research and Applications: 7th Extended Semantic Web …, 2010
SWSE: Answers before links!
A Harth, A Hogan, R Delbru, J Umbrich, S O'Riain, S Decker
CEUR-WS. org, 2007
Annotation and Navigation in Semantic Wikis.
E Oren, R Delbru, K Möller, M Völkel, S Handschuh
SemWiki 206, 2006
RDFS and OWL reasoning for linked data
A Polleres, A Hogan, R Delbru, J Umbrich
Reasoning Web International Summer School, 91-149, 2013
A node indexing scheme for web entity retrieval
R Delbru, N Toupikov, M Catasta, G Tummarello
The Semantic Web: Research and Applications: 7th Extended Semantic Web …, 2010
The Sindice-2011 dataset for entity-oriented search in the web of data
S Campinas, D Ceccarelli, TE Perry, R Delbru, K Balog, G Tummarello
1st international workshop on entity-oriented search (EOS), 26-32, 2011
Efficiency and precision trade-offs in graph summary algorithms
S Campinas, R Delbru, G Tummarello
Proceedings of the 17th International Database Engineering & Applications …, 2013
DING! Dataset ranking using formal descriptions
N Toupikov, J Umbrich, R Delbru, M Hausenblas, G Tummarello
Context dependent reasoning for semantic documents in Sindice
R Delbru, A Polleres, G Tummarello, S Decker
Proc. of 4th SSWS Workshop, 8, 2008
RDF snippets for Semantic Web search engines
X Bai, R Delbru, G Tummarello
OTM Confederated International Conferences" On the Move to Meaningful …, 2008
ActiveRDF: object-oriented RDF in Ruby
E Oren, R Delbru
Scripting for Semantic Web (ESWC) 3, 2006
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Articles 1–20