Giuseppe G. A. Celano
Giuseppe G. A. Celano
Leipzig Univerisity, Department of Computer Science
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Cited by
Cited by
Universal Dependencies 1.2
J Nivre, Ž Agić, MJ Aranzabe, M Asahara, A Atutxa, M Ballesteros, J Bauer, ...
Universal Dependencies Consortium, 2015
The dependency treebanks for ancient Greek and Latin
GGA Celano, M Berti
Digital classical philology, 279-298, 2019
Part of Speech Tagging for Ancient Greek
GGA Celano, G Crane, S Majidi
Open Linguistics 2 (1), 2016
SIGTYP 2020 shared task: Prediction of typological features
J Bjerva, E Salesky, SJ Mielke, A Chaudhary, GGA Celano, EM Ponti, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.08246, 2020
A ResNet-50-based convolutional neural network model for language ID identification from speech recordings
GGA Celano
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Computational Typology and Multilingual …, 2021
Semantic role annotation in the ancient greek dependency treebank
GGA Celano, G Crane
Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Workshop on Treebanks and …, 2015
Guidelines for the annotation of the Ancient Greek Dependency Treebank 2.0
GGA Celano
URL: https://github. com/PerseusDL/treebank_data/edit/master/AGDT2/guidelines, 2014
Larraitz Uria, Viktor Varga, Veronika Vincze, Zdenek ˇZabokrtskż, Daniel Zeman, and Hanzhi Zhu. 2015
J Nivre, MJA ˇZeljko Agic, M Asahara, A Atutxa, M Ballesteros, J Bauer, ...
Universal dependencies 1, 0
A computational study on preverbal and postverbal accusative object nouns and pronouns in Ancient Greek.
GGA Celano
Prague Bull. Math. Linguistics 101, 97-110, 2014
An automatic morphological annotation and lemmatization for the IDP papyri
GGA Celano
Digital Papyrology II, 139, 2018
Argument-focus and predicate-focus structure in Ancient Greek: Word order and phonology
GGA Celano
Studies in Language. International Journal sponsored by the Foundation …, 2013
A gradient boosting-Seq2Seq system for Latin POS tagging and lemmatization
GGA Celano
Proceedings of LT4HALA 2020-1st workshop on language technologies for …, 2020
Universal Dependencies 2.0 (2017)
J Nivre, Ž Agić, L Ahrenberg, MJ Aranzabe, M Asahara, A Atutxa, ...
URL http://hdl. handle. net/11234/1-1983. LINDAT/CLARIN digital library at …, 0
Aspect coding asymmetries of verbs: The case of Russian
GGA Celano, M Richter, R Voll, G Heyer
Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2018
Guidelines for the ancient greek dependency treebank 2.0
GGA Celano
AncientGreek Dependency Treebank (Accessed August 1, 2017), 2016
Linh Ha M
J Nivre, LA ˇZeljko Agic, MJ Aranzabe, M Asahara, A Atutxa, M Ballesteros, ...
A Transformer architecture for the prediction of cognate reflexes
GGA Celano
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Research in Computational Linguistic …, 2022
Larraitz Uria, Viktor Varga, Veronika Vincze, Zdenek ˇZabokrtskż, Daniel Zeman, and Hanzhi Zhu
J Nivre, MJA ˇZeljko Agic, M Asahara, A Atutxa, M Ballesteros, J Bauer, ...
Universal dependencies 1 (2), 2015
L’Open Philology Project dell’Universitą di Lipsia: per una filologia “sostenibile” in un mondo globale
M Berti, G Franzini, E Franzini, G Celano
Atti del secondo convegno annuale dell'Associazione per l'Informatica …, 2013
The Ancient Greek and Latin Dependency Treebank v
GGA Celano, G Crane, B Almas
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Articles 1–20