Josepa (Pepita) Miquel-Florensa
Cited by
Cited by
Vertical integration and relational contracts: Evidence from the Costa Rica coffee chain
R Macchiavello, J Miquel-Florensa
CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP11874, 2017
Buyer-driven upgrading in GVCs: the sustainable quality program in Colombia
R Macchiavello, J Miquel-Florensa
CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP13935, 2019
Aid effectiveness: a comparison of tied and untied aid
J Miquel-Florensa
York University, Canada, available at http://dept. econ. yorku. ca/research …, 2007
Mill ownership and farmer's cooperative behavior: the case of Costa Rica coffee farmers
A Hopfensitz, J Miquel-Florensa
Journal of institutional economics 13 (3), 623-648, 2017
Investigating social capital in Colombia: Conflict and public good contributions
A Hopfensitz, P Miquel-Florensa
Toulouse School of Economics (TSE). http://neeo. univ-tlse1. fr/3625/1 …, 2014
Catch uncertainty and reward schemes in a commons dilemma: an experimental study
A Hopfensitz, C Mantilla, J Miquel-Florensa
Environmental and resource economics 72, 1121-1153, 2019
Water service quality in Tanzania: access and management
MÁ García-Valiñas, J Miquel-Florensa
International journal of water resources development 29 (3), 451-471, 2013
Do informal transfers induce lower efforts? Evidence from lab-in-the-field experiments in rural Mexico
I Alger, L Juarez, M Juarez-Torres, J Miquel-Florensa
Economic Development and Cultural Change 69 (1), 107-171, 2020
Betting on the lord: Lotteries and religiosity in Haiti
E Auriol, D Delissaint, M Fourati, J Miquel-Florensa, P Seabright
World Development 144, 105441, 2021
Dynamic contractual incentives in the face of a Samaritans’s dilemma
J Miquel-Florensa
Theory and decision 74, 151-166, 2013
Trust in the image of God: Links between religiosity and reciprocity in Haiti
E Auriol, D Delissaint, M Fourati, J Miquel‐Florensa, P Seabright
Economics of Transition and Institutional Change 29 (1), 3-34, 2021
Voting corrupt politicians out of office? Evidence from a survey experiment in Paraguay
R Cañete-Straub, J Miquel-Florensa, S Straub, K Van der Straeten
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 179, 223-239, 2020
The dark side of infrastructure: roads, repression, and land in authoritarian Paraguay
F Gonzalez, J Miquel-Florensa, M Prem, S Straub
The Economic Journal, ueae087, 2024
Do women contribute more effort than men to a real public good?
I Alger, L Juarez, M Juarez-Torres, J Miquel-Florensa
The World Bank Economic Review 37 (2), 205-220, 2023
Taxing fragmented aid to improve aid efficiency
E Auriol, J Miquel-Florensa
The Review of International Organizations 14, 453-477, 2019
Motivating public sector employees: Public good contributions in addis ababa water and sewerage authority
G Joseph, J Miquel-Florensa
TSE Working Paper, 2022
“Tell me what you need”: signaling with limited resources
J Miquel-Florensa
Journal of Economics 99 (1), 1-28, 2010
Two-Sided Financial Technology Underadoption: Experimental Evidence from Jordan
S Bair, J Miquel-Florensa, H Ozyilmaz
TSE Working Paper, 2024
Experimentos de bienes públicos y Cooperativas cafeteras: Estudio en el Departamento de Caldas
A Hopfensitz, JM Florensa
Revista Ensayos sobre Economía Cafetera 30, 85-98, 2014
When to Pay More: Incentives, Culture and Status in Principal‐Agent Interactions
R Dessí, J Miquel-Florensa
TSE Working Paper, 2013
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Articles 1–20