Usha Mina
Usha Mina
Faculty, School of Environmental Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, NEW DELHI INDIA
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Direct-seeded rice: potential, performance and problems-Areview
H Pathak, AN Tewari, S Sankhyan, DS Dubey, U Mina, VK Singh, N Jain
Current Advances in Agricultural Sciences (An International Journal) 3 (2 …, 2011
Winter fog experiment over the Indo-Gangetic plains of India
SD Ghude, GS Bhat, T Prabhakaran, RK Jenamani, DM Chate, PD Safai, ...
Current Science, 767-784, 2017
Statistical modeling of O3, NOx, CO, PM2. 5, VOCs and noise levels in commercial complex and associated health risk assessment in an academic institution
D Singh, A Kumar, K Kumar, B Singh, U Mina, BB Singh, VK Jain
Science of the Total Environment 572, 586-594, 2016
Homegarden agroforestry systems in achievement of Sustainable Development Goals. A review
R Sharma, U Mina, BM Kumar
Agronomy for sustainable development 42 (3), 44, 2022
Effect of Bt cotton on enzymes activity and microorganisms in rhizosphere
U Mina, A Chaudhary, A Kamra
Journal of Agricultural Science 3 (1), 96, 2011
Effects of climate change on plant pathogens
U Mina, P Sinha
Environ. News 14 (4), 6-10, 2008
Effect of environmental variables on development of Fusarium wilt in chickpea (Cicer arietinum) cultivars
U Mina, SC Dubey
Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 80 (3), 231-234, 2010
Effect of elevated ozone and carbon dioxide interaction on growth, yield, nutrient content and wilt disease severity in chickpea grown in Northern India
A Bhatia, U Mina, V Kumar, R Tomer, A Kumar, B Chakrabarti, RN Singh, ...
Heliyon 7 (1), 2021
Spatial and temporal variability of VOCs and its source estimation during rush/non-rush hours in ambient air of Delhi, India
D Singh, A Kumar, BP Singh, K Anandam, M Singh, U Mina, K Kumar, ...
Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health 9, 483-493, 2016
Purification and characterization of a thermostable soluble peroxidase from Citrus medica leaf
R Mall, G Naik, U Mina, SK Mishra
Preparative Biochemistry and Biotechnology 43 (2), 137-151, 2013
Effect of elevated temperature and carbon dioxide on maize genotypes health index
U Mina, R Kumar, R Gogoi, A Bhatia, RC Harit, D Singh, A Kumar, ...
Ecological Indicators 105, 292-302, 2019
Growth, yield and nitrogen uptake in rice crop grown under elevated carbon dioxide and different doses of nitrogen fertilizer
A Raj, B Chakrabarti, H Pathak, SD Singh, U Mina, TJ Purakayastha
NISCAIR-CSIR, India, 2019
Emissions of monoterpene from tropical Indian plant species and assessment of VOC emission from the forest of Haryana state
AP Singh, R Singh, U Mina, MP Singh, CK Varshney
Atmospheric Pollution Research 2 (1), 72-79, 2011
Fundamentals of Ecology and Environment
P Kumar, U Mina
Air pollution and plant health response-current status and future directions
P Anand, U Mina, M Khare, P Kumar, SH Kota
Atmospheric pollution research 13 (8), 101508, 2022
Impact of particulate matter on basmati rice varieties grown in Indo-Gangetic Plains of India: Growth, biochemical, physiological and yield attributes
U Mina, TK Chandrashekara, SN Kumar, MC Meena, S Yadav, S Tiwari, ...
Atmospheric environment 188, 174-184, 2018
Antifungal Activity of Siderophore Isolated From Escherichia coli Against Aspergillus nidulans via Iron-Mediated Oxidative Stress
SASA Khan A, Singh P, Kumar R, Das S, Singh RK, Mina U, Agrawal GK, Rakwal R
Frontiers in Microbiology 12, 2021
Growth, yield components and grain yield response of rice to temperature and nitrogen levels
A Raj, B Chakrabarti, H Pathak, SD Singh, U Mina, R Mittal
Journal of Agrometeorology 18 (1), 1-6, 2016
An approach for impact assessment of transgenic plants on soil ecosystem
U Mina, SA Khan, A Choudhary, R Choudhary, PK Aggarwal
Appl Ecol Environ Res 6 (3), 1-19, 2008
Forest fires and climate attributes interact in central Himalayas: an overview and assessment
APDSF Usha Mina
Fire Ecology 19, 2023
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Articles 1–20