Stelios Dritsas
Cited by
Cited by
Smartphone security evaluation the malware attack case
A Mylonas, S Dritsas, B Tsoumas, D Gritzalis
Proceedings of the international conference on security and cryptography, 25-36, 2011
Protecting privacy and anonymity in pervasive computing: trends and perspectives
S Dritsas, D Gritzalis, C Lambrinoudakis
Telematics and informatics 23 (3), 196-210, 2006
An ontology for secure e-government applications
M Karyda, T Balopoulos, S Dritsas, L Gymnopoulos, S Kokolakis, ...
First International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security …, 2006
An ontology-based approach to information systems security management
B Tsoumas, S Dritsas, D Gritzalis
Computer Network Security: Third International Workshop on Mathematical …, 2005
OntoSPIT: SPIT management through ontologies
S Dritsas, V Dritsou, B Tsoumas, P Constantopoulos, D Gritzalis
Computer Communications 32 (1), 203-212, 2009
SIP vulnerabilities and anti-SPIT mechanisms assessment
GF Marias, S Dritsas, M Theoharidou, J Mallios, D Gritzalis
2007 16th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks …, 2007
An adaptive policy-based approach to SPIT management
Y Soupionis, S Dritsas, D Gritzalis
Computer Security-ESORICS 2008: 13th European Symposium on Research in …, 2008
Threat analysis of the session initiation protocol regarding spam
S Dritsas, J Mallios, M Theoharidou, GF Marias, D Gritzalis
2007 IEEE International Performance, Computing, and Communications …, 2007
Secure cloud storage: Available infrastructures and architectures review and evaluation
N Virvilis, S Dritsas, D Gritzalis
Trust, Privacy and Security in Digital Business: 8th International …, 2011
A knowledge-based approach to security requirements for e-health applications
S Dritsas, L Gymnopoulos, M Karyda, T Balopoulos, S Kokolakis, ...
Electronic Journal for E-Commerce Tools and Applications, 1-24, 2006
On the feasibility of malware attacks in smartphone platforms
A Mylonas, S Dritsas, B Tsoumas, D Gritzalis
E-Business and Telecommunications: International Joint Conference, ICETE …, 2012
A cloud provider-agnostic secure storage protocol
N Virvilis, S Dritsas, D Gritzalis
Critical Information Infrastructures Security: 5th International Workshop …, 2011
Spit identification criteria implementation: Effectiveness and lessons learned
S Dritsas, Y Soupionis, M Theoharidou, Y Mallios, D Gritzalis
Proceedings of The Ifip Tc 11 23 rd International Information Security …, 2008
Security-by-Ontology: A knowledge-centric approach
B Tsoumas, P Papagiannakopoulos, S Dritsas, D Gritzalis
Security and Privacy in Dynamic Environments: Proceedings of the IFIP TC-11 …, 2006
A secure smartphone applications roll-out scheme
A Mylonas, B Tsoumas, S Dritsas, D Gritzalis
Trust, Privacy and Security in Digital Business: 8th International …, 2011
Attack modeling of SIP-oriented SPIT
J Mallios, S Dritsas, B Tsoumas, D Gritzalis
Critical Information Infrastructures Security: Second International Workshop …, 2008
The ambient intelligence paradigm A review of security and privacy strategies in leading economies
M Theoharidou, G Marias, S Dritsas, D Gritzalis
2006 2nd IET International Conference on Intelligent Environments-IE 06 2 …, 2006
Employing Ontologies for the Development of Security Critical Applications: The secure e-poll paradigm
S Dritsas, L Gymnopoulos, M Karyda, T Balopoulos, S Kokolakis, ...
Challenges of Expanding Internet: E-Commerce, E-Business, and E-Government …, 2005
GRID security review
L Gymnopoulos, S Dritsas, S Gritzalis, C Lambrinoudakis
Computer Network Security: Second International Workshop on Mathematical …, 2003
A generic Privacy Enhancing Technology for pervasive computing environments
S Dritsas, J Tsaparas, D Gritzalis
Trust and Privacy in Digital Business: Third International Conference …, 2006
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Articles 1–20