Herve Riou
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Computational fluid and solid mechanics
KJ Bathe
Elsevier, 2001
The multiscale VTCR approach applied to acoustics problems
H Riou, P Ladeveze, B Sourcis
Journal of Computational Acoustics 16 (04), 487-505, 2008
Extension of the variational theory of complex rays to shells for medium-frequency vibrations
H Riou, P Ladeveze, P Rouch
Journal of Sound and Vibration 272 (1-2), 341-360, 2004
Proper generalized decomposition applied to linear acoustic: a new tool for broad band calculation
A Barbarulo, P Ladeveze, H Riou, L Kovalevsky
Journal of Sound and Vibration 333 (11), 2422-2431, 2014
The Fourier version of the variational theory of complex rays for medium-frequency acoustics
L Kovalevsky, P Ladeveze, H Riou
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 225, 142-153, 2012
Calculation of medium-frequency vibrations over a wide frequency range
P Ladevèze, H Riou
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 194 (27-29), 3167-3191, 2005
Analysis of medium-frequency vibrations in a frequency range
P Ladeveze, P Rouch, H Riou, X Bohineust
Journal of Computational Acoustics 11 (02), 255-283, 2003
The Variational Theory of Complex Rays: An answer to the resolution of mid-frequency 3D engineering problems
H Riou, P Ladevèze, L Kovalevsky
Journal of Sound and Vibration 332 (8), 1947-1960, 2013
The variational theory of complex rays for three-dimensional Helmholtz problems
L Kovalevsky, P Ladevèze, H Riou, M Bonnet
Journal of Computational Acoustics 20 (04), 1250021, 2012
An adaptive numerical strategy for the medium-frequency analysis of Helmholtz's problem
H Riou, P Ladevèze, B Sourcis, B Faverjon, L Kovalevsky
Journal of Computational Acoustics 20 (01), 1250001, 2012
On Trefftz and weak Trefftz discontinuous Galerkin approaches for medium-frequency acoustics
P Ladevèze, H Riou
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 278, 729-743, 2014
PGD-VTCR: a reduced order model technique to solve medium frequency broad band problems on complex acoustical systems
A Barbarulo, H Riou, L Kovalevsky, P Ladeveze
Strojniški vestnik-Journal of Mechanical Engineering 60 (5), 307-313, 2014
A Trefftz approach for medium-frequency vibrations of orthotropic structures
L Kovalevsky, H Riou, P Ladevèze
Computers & Structures 143, 85-90, 2014
The Variational Theory of Complex Rays applied to the shallow shell theory
A Cattabiani, H Riou, A Barbarulo, P Ladevèze, G Bézier, B Troclet
Computers & Structures 158, 98-107, 2015
On the use of the Variational Theory of Complex Rays for the analysis of 2-D exterior Helmholtz problem in an unbounded domain
L Kovalevsky, H Riou, P Ladevèze
Wave Motion 50 (3), 428-436, 2013
The variational theory of complex rays
P Ladevéze, A Barbarulo, H Riou, L Kovalevsky
Mid-Frequency” CAE Methodologies for Mid-Frequency Analysis in Vibration and …, 2012
Hybrid finite element method and variational theory of complex rays for Helmholtz problems
H Li, P Ladevèze, H Riou
Journal of Computational Acoustics 24 (04), 1650015, 2016
Mid-frequency-CAE methodologies for mid-frequency analysis in vibration and acoustics
P Ladeveze, A Barbarulo, H Riou, L Kovalevsky
Leuven University Press, Leuven, 2012
On wave based weak Trefftz discontinuous Galerkin approach for medium-frequency heterogeneous Helmholtz problem
H Li, P Ladevèze, H Riou
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 328, 201-216, 2018
Variational theory of complex rays applied to shell structures: in-plane inertia, quasi-symmetric ray distribution, and orthotropic materials
A Cattabiani, A Barbarulo, H Riou, P Ladevèze
Computational Mechanics 56 (6), 983-997, 2015
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