Mohammad Vaghefi
Mohammad Vaghefi
Professor of Hydraulic Structures, Persian Gulf University
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Experimental study on scour and flow field in a scour hole around a T-shape spur dike in a 90 bend
M Ghodsian, M Vaghefi
International Journal of Sediment Research 24 (2), 145-158, 2009
Experimental and numerical simulation of flow in a 90 bend
MN Abhari, M Ghodsian, M Vaghefi, N Panahpur
Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 21 (3), 292-298, 2010
An experimental study of mean and turbulent flow in a 180 degree sharp open channel bend: Secondary flow and bed shear stress
M Vaghefi, M Akbari, AR Fiouz
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 20, 1582-1593, 2016
Numerical study of the depth and cross-sectional shape of tunnel under surface explosion
B Mobaraki, M Vaghefi
Tunnelling and underground space technology 47, 114-122, 2015
Experimental study on scour around a T-shaped spur dike in a channel bend
M Vaghefi, M Ghodsian, SAAS Neyshabouri
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 138 (5), 471-474, 2012
Thermal effect on free vibration of functionally graded truncated conical shell panels
N Jooybar, P Malekzadeh, A Fiouz, M Vaghefi
Thin-Walled Structures 103, 45-61, 2016
Forecasting groundwater level in Shiraz plain using artificial neural networks
GR Rakhshandehroo, M Vaghefi, MA Aghbolaghi
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 37, 1871-1883, 2012
Thermoelastic analysis of rotating laminated functionally graded cylindrical shells using layerwise differential quadrature method
Y Heydarpour, P Malekzadeh, MR Golbahar Haghighi, M Vaghefi
Acta Mechanica 223 (1), 81-93, 2012
Investigation of mechanical and durability properties of concrete influenced by hybrid nano silica and micro zeolite
H Eskandari, M Vaghefi, K Kowsari
Procedia Materials Science 11, 594-599, 2015
Experimental study on the effect of a T-shaped spur dike length on scour in a 90 channel bend
M Vaghefi, M Ghodsian, SAA Salehi Neyshaboori
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 34 (2), 337, 2009
Transient response of rotating laminated functionally graded cylindrical shells in thermal environment
P Malekzadeh, Y Heydarpour, MRG Haghighi, M Vaghefi
International journal of pressure vessels and piping 98, 43-56, 2012
The effect of circular bridge piers with different inclination angles toward downstream on scour
M Vaghefi, M Ghodsian, S Salimi
Sadhana 41, 75-86, 2016
The scour pattern around an inclined cylindrical pier in a sharp 180-degree bend: an experimental study
S Ben Mohammad Khajeh, M Vaghefi, A Mahmoudi
International Journal of River Basin Management 15 (2), 207-218, 2017
Comparison between GcIUH-Clark, GIUH-Nash, Clark-IUH, and Nash-IUH models
A Adib, M Salarijazi, M Vaghefi, MM SHOOSHTARI, AM AKHONDALI
Turkish Journal of Engineering and Environmental Sciences 34 (2), 91-104, 2010
Scour formation due to laterally inclined circular pier
M Vaghefi, M Ghodsian, S Salimi
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 41, 1311-1318, 2016
Experimental study of bed topography variations due to placement of a triad series of vertical piers at different positions in a 180 bend
M Vaghefi, MJTN Motlagh, SS Hashemi, S Moradi
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 11, 1-13, 2018
Inverse transient heat conduction problems of a multilayered functionally graded cylinder
MR Haghighi, P Malekzadeh, H Rahideh, M Vaghefi
Experimental study on flow pattern and scour hole dimensions around a T-shaped spur dike in a channel bend under emerged and submerged conditions
M Mehraein, M Ghodsian, M Khosravi Mashizi, M Vaghefi
International Journal of Civil Engineering 15, 1019-1034, 2017
Effect of the soil type on the dynamic response of a tunnel under surface detonation
B Mobaraki, M Vaghefi
Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves 52, 363-370, 2016
Numerical investigation of flow pattern around a T-shaped spur dike in the vicinity of attractive and repelling protective structures
M Vaghefi, B Faraji, M Akbari, A Eghbalzadeh
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 40, 1-15, 2018
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Articles 1–20