Andrea Ariu
Citée par
Citée par
Crisis-proof services: Why trade in services did not suffer during the 2008–2009 collapse
A Ariu
Journal of International Economics 98, 138-149, 2016
Services versus goods trade: a firm-level comparison
A Ariu
Review of World Economics 152 (1), 19-41, 2016
Governance quality and net migration flows
A Ariu, F Docquier, MP Squicciarini
Regional Science and Urban Economics 60, 238-248, 2016
The interconnections between services and goods trade at the firm-level
A Ariu, H Breinlich, G Corcos, G Mion
Journal of International Economics 116, 173-188, 2019
One way to the top: How services boost the demand for goods
A Ariu, F Mayneris, M Parenti
Journal of International Economics 123, 103278, 2020
Service trade and occupational tasks: An empirical investigation
A Ariu, G Mion
The World Economy 40 (9), 1866-1889, 2017
The balance of brains—corruption and migration: Corruption could be an important factor for emigration and immigration decisions by highly skilled professionals
A Ariu, MP Squicciarini
EMBO reports 14 (6), 502-504, 2013
Foreign workers, product quality, and trade: Evidence from a natural experiment
A Ariu
Journal of International Economics 139, 103686, 2022
Service imports, workforce composition, and firm performance: Evidence from finnish microdata
A Ariu, KN Hakkala, JB Jensen, S Tamminen
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2019
Determinants and consequences of international migration
A Ariu
New Frontiers in Interregional Migration Research, 49-60, 2018
Firm heterogeneity and aggregate business services exports: Micro evidence from Belgium, France, Germany and Spain
A Ariu, E Biewen, S Blank, G Gaulier, MJ González, P Meinen, D Mirza, ...
The World Economy 42 (2), 564-589, 2019
Services' trade in Africa: Structure and growth
A Ariu, L Ogliari
The World Economy 46 (11), 3345-3366, 2023
Immigration and the Slope of the Labor Demand Curve: The Role of Firm Heterogeneity in a Model of Regional Labor Markets
A Ariu, T Müller, T Nguyen
CESifo Working Paper, 2023
Essays on trade in services
A Ariu
UCL-Université Catholique de Louvain, 2014
In this section
A Ariu
Globalisation, specialisation, and the division of labour
A Ariu, KN Hakkala, JB Jensen, S Tamminen, S Basco, M Mestieri, ...
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