Truong Van Truong
Truong Van Truong
Duy Tan University
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On the System Performance of Mobile Edge Computing in an Uplink NOMA WSN With a Multiantenna Access Point Over Nakagami- Fading
VT Truong, DB Ha, C So-In
IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica 9 (4), 668-685, 2022
Performance analysis for RF energy harvesting mobile edge computing networks with SIMO/MISO-NOMA schemes
DB Ha, VT Truong, Y Lee
EAI Endorsed Transactions on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems 8 …, 2021
System Performance of Wireless Sensor Network Using LoRa–Zigbee Hybrid Communication
VT Truong, A Nayyar, SA Lone
Computers, Materials & Continua 68 (2), 1615-1635, 2021
Performance analysis and optimization for IoT mobile edge computing networks with RF energy harvesting and UAV relaying
AN Nguyen, DB Ha, VT Truong, DT Do, C So-In
IEEE Access 10, 21526-21540, 2022
System performance and optimization in NOMA mobile edge computing surveillance network using GA and PSO
T Van Truong, A Nayyar
Computer Networks 223, 109575, 2023
A novel air quality monitoring and improvement system based on wireless sensor and actuator networks using LoRa communication
T Van Truong, A Nayyar, M Masud
PeerJ Computer Science 7, e711, 2021
Performance analysis in UAV-enabled relay with NOMA under Nakagami-m fading considering adaptive power splitting
AN Nguyen, C So-In, DB Ha, VT Truong
2021 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Science and Software …, 2021
The effects of industry 4.0 on teaching and learning CDIO project at Duy Tan University
TV Truong, BD Ha, BN Le
Proceedings of the 15th international CDIO conference, 15, 2019
Performance analysis of Mobile Edge Computing network applied uplink NOMA with RF energy harvesting
VT Truong, MT Vo, DB Ha
International Conference on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems, 57-72, 2021
A novel secure protocol for mobile edge computing network applied downlink NOMA
DB Ha, VT Truong, DH Ha
Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems: 6th EAI International …, 2020
Secured scheme for RF energy harvesting mobile edge computing networks based on NOMA and access point selection
VT Truong, DB Ha
2020 7th NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science (NICS), 7-12, 2020
On performance of cooperative transmission in uplink non-orthogonal multiple access wireless sensor networks
VT Truong, DB Ha, Y Lee, AN Nguyen
2020 4th International Conference on Recent Advances in Signal Processing …, 2020
Intelligent reflecting surface assisted RF energy harvesting mobile edge computing NOMA networks: Performance analysis and optimization
DB Ha, VT Truong, Y Lee
EAI Endorsed Transactions on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems 9 (32), 2022
Performance analysis of RF energy harvesting NOMA mobile edge computing in multiple devices IIoT networks
VT Truong, DB Ha, TV Truong, A Nayyar
International Conference on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems, 62-76, 2022
System design and optimization of Mobile Edge Computing in the NOMA Wireless Tactile Internet of things Network
T Van Truong, A Nayyar, M Bilal, KS Kwak
Alexandria Engineering Journal 73, 737-749, 2023
Amplify-and-Forward Relay Transmission in Uplink Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Networks*
VT Truong, MT Vo, Y Lee, DB Ha
2019 6th NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science (NICS), 1-6, 2019
Secrecy performance analysis and optimization for UAV-relay-enabled WPT and cooperative NOMA MEC in IoT networks
AN Nguyen, DB Ha, T Van Truong, S Sanguanpong, C So-In
IEEE Access 11, 127800-127816, 2023
On secrecy analysis of uav-enabled relaying noma systems with rf energy harvesting
AN Nguyen, DB Ha, VT Truong, C So-In, P Aimtongkham, ...
International Conference on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems, 267-281, 2022
Performance analysis for RF energy harvesting mobile edge computing networks with SIMO/MISO-NOMA schemes. EAI Endorsed Trans
DB Ha, VT Truong, Y Lee
Ind. Netw. Intell. Syst 8 (27), e2, 2021
CDIO contribution to ABET accreditation of electrical and electronic engineering programs
T Truong, BD Ha, BN Le
Proc. 14th Int. CDIO Conf, 1-15, 2018
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