Aspectual coercion and logical polysemy J Pustejovsky, P Bouillon Journal of semantics 12 (2), 133-162, 1995 | 240 | 1995 |
Medical document anonymization with a semantic lexicon. P Ruch, RH Baud, AM Rassinoux, P Bouillon, G Robert Proceedings of the AMIA Symposium, 729, 2000 | 157 | 2000 |
Putting linguistics into speech recognition: The regulus grammar compiler M Rayner, BA Hockey, P Bouillon Center for the Study of Language and Information, 2006 | 114 | 2006 |
Adapting the core language engine to French and Spanish M Rayner, D Carter, P Bouillon May, 1996 | 105 | 1996 |
The spoken language translator M Rayner Cambridge University Press, 2000 | 100 | 2000 |
Polymorphie et sémantique lexicale: le cas des adjectifs P Bouillon Paris 7, 1997 | 93 | 1997 |
Le traitement automatique des langues P Bouillon Champs linguistiques, 5-25, 1998 | 92 | 1998 |
A Multilingual CALL Game Based on Speech Translation. M Rayner, P Bouillon, N Tsourakis, J Gerlach, M Georgescul, Y Nakao, ... LREC, 2010 | 54 | 2010 |
The language of word meaning P Bouillon, F Busa Cambridge University Press, 2001 | 53 | 2001 |
MEDTAG: tag-like semantics for medical document indexing. P Ruch, J Wagner, P Bouillon, RH Baud, AM Rassinoux, JR Scherrer Proceedings of the AMIA Symposium, 137, 1999 | 47 | 1999 |
A generic multi-lingual open source platform for limited-domain medical speech translation P Bouillon, M Rayner, N Chatzichrisafis, BA Hockey, M Santaholma, ... Proceedings of the 10th EAMT Conference: Practical applications of machine …, 2005 | 46 | 2005 |
Advances in generative lexicon theory J Pustejovsky, P Bouillon, H Isahara, K Kanzaki, C Lee Springer Science & Business Media, 2012 | 41 | 2012 |
Babeldr vs Google Translate: A user study at Geneva university hospitals (HUG) P Bouillon, J Gerlach, H Spechbach, N Tsourakis, S Halimi 20th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation …, 2017 | 39 | 2017 |
Combining pre-editing and post-editing to improve SMT of user-generated content J Gerlach, V Porro, P Bouillon, S Lehmann Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Post-editing Technology and Practice, 2013 | 39 | 2013 |
A speech-enabled fixed-phrase translator for emergency settings: Crossover study H Spechbach, J Gerlach, SM Karker, N Tsourakis, C Combescure, ... JMIR medical informatics 7 (2), e13167, 2019 | 34 | 2019 |
Learning semantic lexicons from a part-of-speech and semantically tagged corpus using inductive logic programming V Claveau, P Sébillot, C Fabre, P Bouillon Journal of Machine Learning Research 4 (Aug), 493-525, 2003 | 34 | 2003 |
A methodology for comparing grammar-based and robust approaches to speech understanding. M Rayner, P Bouillon, N Chatzichrisafis, BA Hockey, M Santaholma, ... INTERSPEECH, 1877-1880, 2005 | 31 | 2005 |
Qualia and the structuring of verb meaning P Bouillon, F Busa | 31 | 2001 |
The description of adjectives for natural language processing: Theoretical and applied perspectives P Bouillon, E Viegas Proceedings of Description des Adjectifs pour les Traitements Informatiques …, 1999 | 31 | 1999 |
Minimal commitment and full lexical disambiguation: Balancing rules and hidden markov models P Ruch, R Baud, P Bouillon, G Robert Fourth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning and the Second …, 2000 | 30 | 2000 |