violaine nicolas
violaine nicolas
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The database of the PREDICTS (projecting responses of ecological diversity in changing terrestrial systems) project
LN Hudson, T Newbold, S Contu, SLL Hill, I Lysenko, A De Palma, ...
Ecology and evolution 7 (1), 145-188, 2017
The era of reference genomes in conservation genomics
G Formenti, K Theissinger, C Fernandes, I Bista, A Bombarely, C Bleidorn, ...
Trends in ecology & evolution 37 (3), 197-202, 2022
Tectonics, climate and the diversification of the tropical African terrestrial flora and fauna
TLP Couvreur, G Dauby, A Blach‐Overgaard, V Deblauwe, S Dessein, ...
Biological Reviews 96 (1), 16-51, 2021
How genomics can help biodiversity conservation
K Theissinger, C Fernandes, G Formenti, I Bista, PR Berg, C Bleidorn, ...
Trends in Genetics 39 (7), 545-559, 2023
Assessment of three mitochondrial genes (16S, Cytb, CO1) for identifying species in the Praomyini tribe (Rodentia: Muridae)
V Nicolas, B Schaeffer, AD Missoup, J Kennis, M Colyn, C Denys, ...
PLoS one 7 (5), e36586, 2012
The roles of rivers and Pleistocene refugia in shaping genetic diversity in Praomys misonnei in tropical Africa
V Nicolas, AD Missoup, C Denys, J Kerbis Peterhans, P Katuala, ...
Journal of Biogeography 38 (1), 191-207, 2011
Relative efficiency of three types of small mammal traps in an African rainforest
V Nicolas, M Colyn
Belgian Journal of Zoology 136 (1), 107, 2006
Complete genome sequence and molecular phylogeny of a newfound hantavirus harbored by the Doucet’s musk shrew (Crocidura douceti) in Guinea
SH Gu, V Nicolas, A Lalis, N Sathirapongsasuti, R Yanagihara
Infection, Genetics and Evolution 20, 118-123, 2013
Phylogeographic structure and regional history of Lemniscomys striatus (Rodentia: Muridae) in tropical Africa
V Nicolas, JF Mboumba, E Verheyen, C Denys, E Lecompte, A Olayemi, ...
Journal of Biogeography 35 (11), 2074-2089, 2008
Mitochondrial phylogeny of African wood mice, genus Hylomyscus (Rodentia, Muridae): implications for their taxonomy and biogeography
V Nicolas, S Querouil, E Verheyen, W Verheyen, JF Mboumba, M Dillen, ...
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 38 (3), 779-793, 2006
Plio‐Pleistocene history of West African Sudanian savanna and the phylogeography of the Praomys daltoni complex (Rodentia): the environment/geography …
J Bryja, L Granjon, G Dobigny, H Patzenhauerova, A Konečný, ...
Molecular Ecology 19 (21), 4783-4799, 2010
Phylogeography and evolutionary history of the Crocidura olivieri complex (Mammalia, Soricomorpha): from a forest origin to broad ecological expansion across …
F Jacquet, C Denys, E Verheyen, J Bryja, R Hutterer, JC Kerbis Peterhans, ...
BMC Evolutionary Biology 15, 1-15, 2015
Comparative phylogeography of two sibling species of forest‐dwelling rodent (Praomys rostratus and P. tullbergi) in West Africa: different reactions to past forest …
V Nicolas, J Bryja, B Akpatou, A Konecny, E Lecompte, M Colyn, A Lalis, ...
Molecular Ecology 17 (23), 5118-5134, 2008
Evolutionary history of the thicket rats (genus Grammomys) mirrors the evolution of African forests since late Miocene
J Bryja, R Šumbera, JC Kerbis Peterhans, T Aghová, A Bryjová, O Mikula, ...
Journal of Biogeography 44 (1), 182-194, 2017
Terrestrial Small Mammals as Reservoirs of Mycobacterium ulcerans in Benin
L Durnez, P Suykerbuyk, V Nicolas, P Barriere, E Verheyen, CR Johnson, ...
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 76 (13), 4574-4577, 2010
Taxonomy of the African giant pouched rats (Nesomyidae: Cricetomys): molecular and craniometric evidence support an unexpected high species diversity
A Olayemi, V Nicolas, JAN Hulselmans, AD Missoup, E Fichet-Calvet, ...
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 165 (3), 700-719, 2012
Evolutionary history of the Persian Jird, Meriones persicus, based on genetics, species distribution modelling and morphometric data
M Dianat, J Darvish, R Cornette, M Aliabadian, V Nicolas
Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 55 (1), 29-45, 2017
Seasonal variations in population and community structure of small rodents in a tropical forest of Gabon
V Nicolas, M Colyn
Canadian Journal of Zoology 81 (6), 1034-1046, 2003
The phylogeography of the rodent genus Malacomys suggests multiple Afrotropical Pleistocene lowland forest refugia
KH Bohoussou, R Cornette, B Akpatou, M Colyn, J Kerbis Peterhans, ...
Journal of Biogeography 42 (11), 2049-2061, 2015
Shrew species diversity and abundance in Ziama Biosphere Reserve, Guinea: comparison among primary forest, degraded forest and restoration plots
V Nicolas, P Barriere, A Tapiero, M Colyn
Biodiversity and Conservation 18, 2043-2061, 2009
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