Süleyman Kudret
Cited by
Cited by
Investigation of the degradation mechanisms of a variety of organic photovoltaic devices by combination of imaging techniques—the ISOS-3 inter-laboratory collaboration
R Rösch, DM Tanenbaum, M Jørgensen, M Seeland, M Bärenklau, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 5 (4), 6521-6540, 2012
The ISOS-3 inter-laboratory collaboration focused on the stability of a variety of organic photovoltaic devices
DM Tanenbaum, M Hermenau, E Voroshazi, MT Lloyd, Y Galagan, ...
Rsc Advances 2 (3), 882-893, 2012
On the stability of a variety of organic photovoltaic devices by IPCE and in situ IPCE analyses–the ISOS-3 inter-laboratory collaboration
G Teran-Escobar, DM Tanenbaum, E Voroshazi, M Hermenau, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 14 (33), 11824-11845, 2012
Enhanced intrinsic stability of the bulk heterojunction active layer blend of polymer solar cells by varying the polymer side chain pattern
J Kesters, S Kudret, S Bertho, N Van den Brande, M Defour, B Van Mele, ...
Organic Electronics 15 (2), 549-562, 2014
TOF-SIMS investigation of degradation pathways occurring in a variety of organic photovoltaic devices–the ISOS-3 inter-laboratory collaboration
B Andreasen, DM Tanenbaum, M Hermenau, E Voroshazi, MT Lloyd, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 14 (33), 11780-11799, 2012
An efficient and reliable procedure for the preparation of highly reactive rieke zinc
S Kudret, JD Haen, L Lutsen, D Vanderzande, W Maes
Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis 355 (2‐3), 569-575, 2013
Synthesis of ester side chain functionalized all-conjugated diblock copolythiophenes via the Rieke method
S Kudret, N Van den Brande, M Defour, B Van Mele, L Lutsen, ...
Polymer Chemistry 5 (6), 1832-1837, 2014
Stability and degradation of organic photovoltaics fabricated, aged, and characterized by the ISOS 3 inter-laboratory collaboration
DM Tanenbaum, M Hermenau, E Voroshazi, MT Lloyd, Y Galagan, ...
Organic Photovoltaics XIII 8477, 5-13, 2012
Facile synthesis of 3-(ω-acetoxyalkyl) thiophenes and derived copolythiophenes using Rieke zinc
S Kudret, J Kesters, S Janssen, N Van den Brande, M Defour, B Van Mele, ...
Reactive and Functional Polymers 75, 22-30, 2014
Ligand exchange and photoluminescence quenching in organic-inorganic blends poly (3-hexylthiophene) P3HT: PbS
Y Firdausa, A Khetubola, S Kudretb, H Diliënb, W Maesb, L Lutsenc, ...
Proceedings of SPIE 8438, 84381G, 2012
Optimized Rieke zinc synthetic protocols toward polythiophene copolymers for organic photovoltaic applications
TOF-SIMS investigation of degradation pathways occurring in a variety of organic photovoltaic devices
B Andreasen, DM Tanenbaum, M Hermenau, E Voroshazi, MT Lloyd, ...
Investigation of the degradation mechanism of a variety of organic organic photovoltaic devices by combination of imaging techniques–the ISOS-3 inter-laboratory collaboration
R Roesch, DM Tanenbaum, M Jĝrgensen, M Seeland, M Barenklau, ...
The outcome of the ISOS-3 inter-laboratory collaboration–characterization of degradation pathways in a variety of organic photovoltaic devices
B Andreasen, DM Tanenbaum, M Hermenau, E Voroshazi, MT Loyd, ...
Synthesis and Characterization of Polyester Polyols Utilizing 2,5-Furandicarboxylic acid
S Kudret
Technical University of Braunschweig, 2008
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Articles 1–15