Grammati Pantziou
Grammati Pantziou
Other namesGrammati E. Pantziou
University of West Attica, Greece
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Cited by
A survey on jamming attacks and countermeasures in WSNs
A Mpitziopoulos, D Gavalas, C Konstantopoulos, G Pantziou
IEEE communications surveys & tutorials 11 (4), 42-56, 2009
Mobile recommender systems in tourism
D Gavalas, C Konstantopoulos, K Mastakas, G Pantziou
Journal of network and computer applications 39, 319-333, 2014
A survey on algorithmic approaches for solving tourist trip design problems
D Gavalas, C Konstantopoulos, K Mastakas, G Pantziou
Journal of Heuristics 20 (3), 291-328, 2014
A rendezvous-based approach enabling energy-efficient sensory data collection with mobile sinks
C Konstantopoulos, G Pantziou, D Gavalas, A Mpitziopoulos, B Mamalis
IEEE Transactions on parallel and distributed systems 23 (5), 809-817, 2011
RFID and sensor networks: architectures, protocols, security, and integrations
Y Zhang, LT Yang, J Chen
CRC Press, 2009
Clustering in wireless sensor networks
B Mamalis, D Gavalas, C Konstantopoulos, G Pantziou
RFID and sensor Networks, 343-374, 2009
The eCOMPASS multimodal tourist tour planner
D Gavalas, V Kasapakis, C Konstantopoulos, G Pantziou, N Vathis, ...
Expert systems with Applications 42 (21), 7303-7316, 2015
Effective determination of mobile agent itineraries for data aggregation on sensor networks
C Konstantopoulos, A Mpitziopoulos, D Gavalas, G Pantziou
IEEE transactions on knowledge and data engineering 22 (12), 1679-1693, 2009
Heuristics for the time dependent team orienteering problem: Application to tourist route planning
D Gavalas, C Konstantopoulos, K Mastakas, G Pantziou, N Vathis
Computers & Operations Research 62, 36-50, 2015
Clustering in mobile ad hoc networks through neighborhood stability-based mobility prediction
C Konstantopoulos, D Gavalas, G Pantziou
Computer Networks 52 (9), 1797-1824, 2008
Incentivized vehicle relocation in vehicle sharing systems
A Angelopoulos, D Gavalas, C Konstantopoulos, D Kypriadis, G Pantziou
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 97, 175-193, 2018
Cyber ranges and testbeds for education, training, and research
N Chouliaras, G Kittes, I Kantzavelou, L Maglaras, G Pantziou, MA Ferrag
Applied Sciences 11 (4), 1809, 2021
Scenic route planning for tourists
D Gavalas, V Kasapakis, C Konstantopoulos, G Pantziou, N Vathis
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 21, 137-155, 2017
Design and management of vehicle-sharing systems: a survey of algorithmic approaches
D Gavalas, C Konstantopoulos, G Pantziou
Smart cities and homes, 261-289, 2016
Web application for recommending personalised mobile tourist routes
D Gavalas, M Kenteris, C Konstantopoulos, G Pantziou
IET software 6 (4), 313-322, 2012
Mobile Augmented Reality Guides in Cultural Heritage.
P Galatis, D Gavalas, V Kasapakis, GE Pantziou, CD Zaroliagis
MobiCASE, 11-19, 2016
Hands-on experiences in deploying cost-effective ambient-assisted living systems
A Dasios, D Gavalas, G Pantziou, C Konstantopoulos
Sensors 15 (6), 14487-14512, 2015
Computing shortest paths and distances in planar graphs
HN Djidjev, GE Pantziou, CD Zaroliagis
Automata, Languages and Programming: 18th International Colloquium Madrid …, 1991
Defending wireless sensor networks from jamming attacks
A Mpitziopoulos, D Gavalas, G Pantziou, C Konstantopoulos
2007 IEEE 18th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio …, 2007
Minimizing the fuel consumption and the risk in maritime transportation: A bi-objective weather routing approach
A Veneti, A Makrygiorgos, C Konstantopoulos, G Pantziou, IA Vetsikas
Computers & Operations Research 88, 220-236, 2017
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Articles 1–20