Gabriel Saavedra
Cited by
Cited by
4 Tb/s transmission reach enhancement using 10× 400 Gb/s super-channels and polarization insensitive dual band optical phase conjugation
AD Ellis, M Tan, MA Iqbal, MAZ Al-Khateeb, V Gordienko, ...
Journal of lightwave technology 34 (8), 1717-1723, 2016
Investigation of bandwidth loading in optical fibre transmission using amplified spontaneous emission noise
DJ Elson, G Saavedra, K Shi, D Semrau, L Galdino, R Killey, BC Thomsen, ...
Optics express 25 (16), 19529-19537, 2017
On the limits of digital back-propagation in the presence of transceiver noise
L Galdino, D Semrau, D Lavery, G Saavedra, CB Czegledi, E Agrell, ...
Optics Express 25 (4), 4564-4578, 2017
Long-distance distribution of genuine energy-time entanglement
A Cuevas, G Carvacho, G Saavedra, J Cariñe, WAT Nogueira, ...
Nature Communications 4 (1), 2871, 2013
The trade-off between transceiver capacity and symbol rate
L Galdino, D Lavery, Z Liu, K Balakier, E Sillekens, D Elson, G Saavedra, ...
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, W1B. 4, 2018
Postselection-loophole-free Bell test over an installed optical fiber network
G Carvacho, J Carine, G Saavedra, Á Cuevas, J Fuenzalida, F Toledo, ...
Physical Review Letters 115 (3), 030503, 2015
Experimental analysis of nonlinear impairments in fibre optic transmission systems up to 7.3 THz
G Saavedra, M Tan, DJ Elson, L Galdino, D Semrau, MA Iqbal, ID Phillips, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 35 (21), 4809-4816, 2017
A review of hybrid vlc/rf networks: Features, applications, and future directions
L Bravo Alvarez, S Montejo-Sánchez, L Rodríguez-López, ...
Sensors 23 (17), 7545, 2023
Inter-channel stimulated Raman scattering and its impact in wideband transmission systems
G Saavedra, D Semrau, M Tan, A Iqbal, DJ Elson, L Galdino, P Harper, ...
2018 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exposition (OFC), 1-3, 2018
Heuristic approaches for dynamic provisioning in multi-band elastic optical networks
F Calderón, A Lozada, P Morales, D Bórquez-Paredes, N Jara, R Olivares, ...
IEEE Communications Letters 26 (2), 379-383, 2021
Volterra-assisted optical phase conjugation: A hybrid optical-digital scheme for fiber nonlinearity compensation
G Saavedra, G Liga, P Bayvel
Journal of Lightwave Technology 37 (10), 2467-2479, 2019
A closed-form expression to evaluate nonlinear interference in Raman-amplified links
D Semrau, G Saavedra, D Lavery, RI Killey, P Bayvel
Journal of Lightwave Technology 35 (19), 4316-4328, 2017
Experimental demonstration of modulation-dependent nonlinear interference in optical fibre communication
L Galdino, G Liga, G Saavedra, D Ives, R Maher, A Alvarado, S Savory, ...
ECOC 2016; 42nd European Conference on Optical Communication, 1-3, 2016
BER-adaptive RMLSA algorithm for wide-area flexible optical networks
FI Calderón, A Lozada, D Bórquez-Paredes, R Olivares, EJ Davalos, ...
IEEE Access 8, 128018-128031, 2020
Evaluating the coupling efficiency of OAM beams into ring-core optical fibers
S Rojas-Rojas, G Cañas, G Saavedra, ES Gómez, SP Walborn, G Lima
Optics Express 29 (15), 23381-23392, 2021
Maximum transmission reach for optical signals in elastic optical networks employing band division multiplexing
E Paz, G Saavedra
arXiv preprint arXiv:2011.03671, 2020
448-Gb/s PAM4 transmission over 300-km SMF-28 without dispersion compensation fiber
Z Liu, T Xu, G Mondaca, P Bayvel
OSA Technical Digest (online), 2018
Resource allocation in multicore elastic optical networks: a deep reinforcement learning approach
J Pinto-Ríos, F Calderón, A Leiva, G Hermosilla, A Beghelli, ...
Complexity 2023 (1), 4140594, 2023
Achievable information rates estimation for 100-nm Raman-amplified optical transmission system
NA Shevchenko, T Xu, D Semrau, G Saavedra, G Liga, M Paskov, ...
ECOC 2016; 42nd European Conference on Optical Communication, 1-3, 2016
Enhanced superchannel transmission using phase conjugation
AD Ellis, ID Phillips, M Tan, MFC Stephens, ME McCarthy, ...
2015 European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), 1-3, 2015
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Articles 1–20