Ferenc Molnár Jr
Ferenc Molnár Jr
Principal HPC Engineer
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Dispersion modeling of air pollutants in the atmosphere: a review
Á Leelőssy, F Molnár, F Izsák, Á Havasi, I Lagzi, R Mészáros
Open Geosciences 6 (3), 257-278, 2014
Air pollution modelling using a graphics processing unit with CUDA
F Molnar Jr, T Szakaly, R Meszaros, I Lagzi
Computer Physics Communications 181 (1), 105-112, 2010
Minimum dominating sets in scale-free network ensembles
F Molnár, S Sreenivasan, BK Szymanski, G Korniss
Scientific reports 3, 1736, 2013
State observation and sensor selection for nonlinear networks
A Haber, F Molnar, AE Motter
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems 5 (2), 694-708, 2018
Probability of the emergence of helical precipitation patterns in the wake of reaction-diffusion fronts
S Thomas, I Lagzi, F Molnár Jr, Z Rácz
Physical Review Letters 110 (7), 078303, 2013
A continuous-time MaxSAT solver with high analog performance
B Molnar, F Molnar, M Varga, Z Toroczkai, M Ercsey-Ravasz
Nature Communications 9, 4864, 2018
Asymmetry underlies stability in power grids
F Molnar, T Nishikawa, AE Motter
Nature communications 12 (1), 1457, 2021
Simulation of reaction–diffusion processes in three dimensions using CUDA
F Molnár Jr, F Izsák, R Mészáros, I Lagzi
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 108 (1), 76-85, 2011
Design of equidistant and revert type precipitation patterns in reaction–diffusion systems
F Molnár Jr, F Izsák, I Lagzi
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 10 (17), 2368-2373, 2008
Network experiment demonstrates converse symmetry breaking
F Molnar, T Nishikawa, AE Motter
Nature Physics 16 (3), 351-356, 2020
Building damage-resilient dominating sets in complex networks against random and targeted attacks
F Molnár Jr, N Derzsy, BK Szymanski, G Korniss
Scientific reports 5, 8321, 2015
Helices in the wake of precipitation fronts
S Thomas, I Lagzi, F Molnár Jr, Z Rácz
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 88 (2 …, 2013
Interference competition and invasion: spatial structure, novel weapons and resistance zones
A Allstadt, T Caraco, F Molnar Jr, G Korniss
Journal of Theoretical Biology 306, 46-60, 2012
Accelerating a continuous-time analog SAT solver using GPUs
F Molnár, SR Kharel, XS Hu, Z Toroczkai
Computer Physics Communications 256, 107469, 2020
Matalon–Packter law for stretched helicoids formed in precipitation processes
S Thomas, F Molnár, Z Rácz, I Lagzi
Chemical Physics Letters 577, 38-41, 2013
Dominating Scale-Free Networks Using Generalized Probabilistic Methods
F Molnár Jr, N Derzsy, É Czabarka, L Székely, BK Szymanski, G Korniss
Scientific reports 4, 2014
Extreme fluctuations in stochastic network coordination with time delays
D Hunt, F Molnár Jr, BK Szymanski, G Korniss
Physical Review E 92 (6), 062816, 2015
Stability Landscape of Power-Grid Synchronization
T Nishikawa, F Molnar, AE Motter
IFAC-PapersOnLine 48 (18), 1-6, 2015
Coarsening of precipitation patterns in a moving reaction-diffusion front
A Volford, I Lagzi, F Molnár Jr, Z Rácz
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 80 (5 …, 2009
Link prediction analysis in the Wikipedia Collaboration graph
F Molnár
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Articles 1–20