Daniel F. Lynch
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Cited by
Examining supply chain relationships: do buyer and supplier perspectives on collaborative relationships differ?
GN Nyaga, JM Whipple, DF Lynch
Journal of operations management 28 (2), 101-114, 2010
The effects of logistics capabilities and strategy on firm performance.
DF Lynch, SB Keller, J Ozment
Journal of business logistics 21 (2), 2000
Power asymmetry, adaptation and collaboration in dyadic relationships involving a powerful partner
GN Nyaga, DF Lynch, D Marshall, E Ambrose
Journal of supply chain management 49 (3), 42-65, 2013
Linking strategy, structure, process, and performance in integrated logistics
AM Rodrigues, TP Stank, DF Lynch
Journal of Business logistics 25 (2), 65-94, 2004
A buyer's perspective on collaborative versus transactional relationships
JM Whipple, DF Lynch, GN Nyaga
Industrial marketing management 39 (3), 507-518, 2010
Buyer supplier perspectives on supply chain relationships
E Ambrose, D Marshall, D Lynch
International Journal of Operations & Production Management 30 (12), 1269-1290, 2010
Public policy and global supply chain capabilities and performance: a resource-based view
EA Morash, DF Lynch
Journal of International Marketing 10 (1), 25-51, 2002
Communication media selection in buyer‐supplier relationships
E Ambrose, D Marshall, B Fynes, D Lynch
International Journal of Operations & Production Management 28 (4), 360-379, 2008
The impact of internal marketing efforts in distribution service operations
SB Keller, DF Lynch, AE Ellinger, J Ozment, R Calantone
Journal of business logistics 27 (1), 109-137, 2006
B‐TO‐BE‐commerce: a content analytical assessment of motor carrier websites
AE Ellinger, DF Lynch, JK Andzulis, RJ Smith
Journal of Business Logistics 24 (1), 199-220, 2003
A summary and analysis of multi‐item scales used in logistics research
SB Keller, K Savitskie, TP Stank, DF Lynch, AE Ellinger
Journal of Business logistics 23 (2), 83-119, 2002
Firm size, web site content, and financial performance in the transportation industry
AE Ellinger, DF Lynch, JD Hansen
Industrial Marketing Management 32 (3), 177-185, 2003
The integration of firm resources: the role of capabilities in strategy and firm performance
DF Lynch
University of Arkansas, 1998
Implementing sustainability in the engineering curriculum: Realizing the ASCE body of knowledge
D Lynch, W Kelly, M Jha, R Harichandran
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition, 12.846. 1-12.846. 19, 2007
Southern California Chivalry: Southerners, Californios, and the Forging of an Unlikely Alliance
D Lynch
California History 91 (3), 60-62, 2014
The impact of student characteristics on cooperative testing in the marketing classroom
RE Hite, FS McIntyre, DF Lynch
Marketing Education Review 11 (1), 27-34, 2001
Student Experience, Career Influence, and Supply Chain Competitions:# xd; A Mixed-Method Analysis of Students, Judges, and Alumni
D Lynch, N Arguea, SA LeMay, S Keller, B Kimball
Marketing Education Review 32 (4), 298-310, 2022
An exploratory examination of gender bias and customer satisfaction in the retail sector
FS McIntyre, DF Lynch, RE Robert
Acad. Mark. Stud. J. http: www. findarticles. com/p/articles/mi hb6167/is 17, 2003
Wal-Mart fights the battle of Conway
DL Kurtz, SB Keller, MJ Landry, DF Lynch
Business Horizons 38 (5), 46-51, 1995
“Master of Ceremonies”: The World of Peter Biggs in Civil War–Era Los Angeles
K Field, D Lynch
The Western Historical Quarterly 47 (4), 379-406, 2016
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