Thomas Olsson
Thomas Olsson
Robert Bosch AB
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Non-functional requirements in industry-three case studies adopting an experience-based NFR method
J Doerr, D Kerkow, T Koenig, T Olsson, T Suzuki
13th IEEE International Conference on Requirements Engineering (RE'05), 373-382, 2005
Supporting roadmapping of quality requirements
B Regnell, RB Svensson, T Olsson
Ieee software 25 (2), 42-47, 2008
Quality assurance in requirements engineering
C Denger, T Olsson
Engineering and managing software requirements, 163-185, 2005
Supporting traceability and inconsistency management between software artifacts
T Olsson, J Grundy
Proc. Int. Conf. on Software Engineering and Application, 2002
Open Data Ecosystems-an empirical investigation into an emerging industry collaboration concept
P Runeson, T Olsson, J Linåker
Journal of Systems and Software, 2021
Evaluation of usage-based reading—conclusions after three experiments
T Thelin, P Runeson, C Wohlin, T Olsson, C Andersson
Empirical Software Engineering 9, 77-110, 2004
Video game development in a rush: A survey of the global game jam participants
M Borg, V Garousi, A Mahmoud, T Olsson, O Stålberg
IEEE Transactions on Games 12 (3), 246-259, 2019
An investigation of how quality requirements are specified in industrial practice
RB Svensson, T Olsson, B Regnell
Information and Software Technology 55 (7), 1224-1236, 2013
Introducing support for release planning of quality requirements—an industrial evaluation of the QUPER model
RB Svensson, T Olsson, B Regnell
2008 Second International Workshop on Software Product Management, 18-26, 2008
Digitalization of Swedish government agencies: A perspective through the lens of a software development census
M Borg, T Olsson, U Franke, S Assar
Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2018
V-GQM: a feed-back approach to validation of a GQM study
T Olsson, P Runeson
Proceedings Seventh International Software Metrics Symposium, 236-245, 2001
A flexible and pragmatic requirements engineering framework for SME
T Olsson, J Doerr, T Koenig, M Ehresmann
Proceedings: Methods, Techniques and Tools to Support Situation-Specific …, 2005
How much information is needed for usage-based reading? A series of experiments
T Thelin, P Runeson, C Wohlin, T Olsson, C Andersson
Proceedings International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering, 127-138, 2002
An Exploratory Study on How Internet of Things Developing Companies Handle User Experience Requirements
J Bergman, T Olsson, I Johansson, K Rassmus-Gröhn
Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality, 20--36, 2018
Non-functional requirements metrics in practice-an empirical document analysis
T Olsson, RB Svensson, B Regnell
Workshop on Measuring Requirements for Project and Product Success, 2007
An empirical study on decision making for quality requirements
T Olsson, K Wnuk, T Gorschek
Journal of Systems and Software 149, 217-233, 2019
Industrial practices in security vulnerability management for iot systems–an interview study
M Höst, J Sönnerup, M Hell, T Olsson
Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering Research …, 2018
How to characterize the health of an Open Source Software project? A snowball literature review of an emerging practice
J Linåker, E Papatheocharous, T Olsson
Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Open Collaboration, 1-12, 2022
A systematic literature review of empirical research on quality requirements
T Olsson, S Sentilles, E Papatheocharous
Requirements Engineering 27 (2), 249-271, 2022
Illuminating a Blind Spot in Digitalization-Software Development in Sweden's Private and Public Sector
M Borg, J Wernberg, T Olsson, U Franke, M Andersson
Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM 42nd International Conference on Software …, 2020
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