Theodosia Prodromou
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Mobile technologies in the service of students’ learning of mathematics: the example of game application ALEX in the context of a primary school in Cyprus
AO Kyriakides, M Meletiou-Mavrotheris, T Prodromou
Mathematics Education Research Journal 28, 53-78, 2016
An attempt to evaluate STEAM project-based instruction from a school mathematics perspective
JM Diego-Mantecon, T Prodromou, Z Lavicza, TF Blanco, Z Ortiz-Laso
ZDM–Mathematics Education 53 (5), 1137-1148, 2021
The role of causality in the co-ordination of two perspectives on distribution within a virtual simulation
T Prodromou, D Pratt
Statistics Education Research Journal 5 (2), 69-88, 2006
Connecting experimental probability and theoretical probability
T Prodromou
ZDM 44, 855-868, 2012
Pre-service teacher training on game-enhanced mathematics teaching and learning
M Meletiou-Mavrotheris, T Prodromou
Technology, Knowledge and Learning 21, 379-399, 2016
Mathematics learning through Arts, Technology and Robotics: multi-and transdiscpilinary STEAM approaches
Z Lavicza, K Fenyvesi, D Lieban, H Park, M Hohenwarter, JD Mantecon, ...
East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education, 2018
Education for sustainability in the Secondary Sector—A review
N Taylor, F Quinn, K Jenkins, H Miller-Brown, N Rizk, T Prodromou, ...
Journal of Education for Sustainable Development 13 (1), 102-122, 2019
Developing and evaluating educational innovations for STEAM education in rapidly changing digital technology environments
Z Lavicza, R Weinhandl, T Prodromou, B Anđić, D Lieban, M Hohenwarter, ...
Sustainability 14 (12), 7237, 2022
Boundary objects in mathematics education and their role across communities of teachers and researchers in interaction
O Robutti, G Aldon, A Cusi, S Olsher, M Panero, J Cooper, P Carante, ...
International handbook of mathematics teacher education: Volume 3, 211-240, 2019
Augmented reality in educational settings
T Prodromou
Brill, 2019
GeoGebra in teaching and learning introductory statistics
T Prodromou
Electronic Journal of Mathematics & Technology 8 (5), 363-376, 2014
Making sense out of the emerging complexity inherent in professional development
T Prodromou, O Robutti, M Panero
Mathematics Education Research Journal 30, 445-473, 2018
Integrating STEM-related technologies into mathematics education at a large scale
Z Lavicza, T Prodromou, K Fenyvesi, M Hohenwarter, I Juhos, B Koren, ...
International Journal for Technology in Mathematics Education 27 (1), 3-11, 2020
Increasing students’ involvement in technology-supported mathematics lesson sequences
T Prodromou, Z Lavicza, B Koren
International Journal for Technology in Mathematics Education 22 (4), 169-177, 2015
Integrating technology into mathematics education in an entire educational system–reaching a critical mass of teachers and schools
T Prodromou, Z Lavicza
International Journal for Technology in Mathematics Education 24 (3), 129-135, 2017
Statistical literacy in data revolution era: Building blocks and instructional dilemmas
T Prodromou
Statistics Education Research Journal 16 (1), 38-43, 2017
Developing a modelling approach to probability using computer-based simulations
T Prodromou
Probabilistic thinking: Presenting plural perspectives, 417-439, 2014
The Effects of Mathematics Anxiety on Primary Students.
T Prodromou, N Frederiksen
Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, 2018
Connecting thinking about distribution
T Prodromou
University of Warwick, 2008
Teaching and assessing with new methodological tools (MERLO): A new pedagogy
F Arzarello, RS Kenett, O Robutti, U Shafrir, T Prodromou, P Carante
IMA International Conference on Barriers and Enablers to Learning Maths, 2015
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