Georges Kouroussis
Georges Kouroussis
Full Professor (Professeur Ordinaire), University of Mons
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Railway-induced ground vibrations–a review of vehicle effects
G Kouroussis, DP Connolly, O Verlinden
International Journal of Rail Transportation 2 (2), 69-110, 2014
Benchmarking railway vibrations–Track, vehicle, ground and building effects
DP Connolly, G Kouroussis, O Laghrouche, CL Ho, MC Forde
Construction and Building Materials 92, 64-81, 2015
The growth of railway ground vibration problems—A review
DP Connolly, GP Marecki, G Kouroussis, I Thalassinakis, PK Woodward
Science of the Total Environment 568, 1276-1282, 2016
Field testing and analysis of high speed rail vibrations
DP Connolly, G Kouroussis, PK Woodward, PA Costa, O Verlinden, ...
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 67, 102-118, 2014
Prediction and mitigation of train-induced vibrations of large-scale building constructed on subway tunnel
J Yang, S Zhu, W Zhai, G Kouroussis, Y Wang, K Wang, K Lan, F Xu
Science of the total environment 668, 485-499, 2019
Free field vibrations caused by high-speed lines: measurement and time domain simulation
G Kouroussis, O Verlinden, C Conti
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 31 (4), 692-707, 2011
Modelling, simulation and evaluation of ground vibration caused by rail vehicles
DJ Thompson, G Kouroussis, E Ntotsios
Vehicle System Dynamics 57 (7), 936-983, 2019
Large scale international testing of railway ground vibrations across Europe
DP Connolly, PA Costa, G Kouroussis, P Galvin, PK Woodward, ...
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 71, 1-12, 2015
Modelling the Source of Blasting for the Numerical Simulation of Blast-Induced Ground Vibrations: A Review
D Ainalis, O Kaufmann, JP Tshibangu, O Verlinden, G Kouroussis
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 1-23, 2016
Assessment of railway vibrations using an efficient scoping model
DP Connolly, G Kouroussis, A Giannopoulos, O Verlinden, PK Woodward, ...
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 58, 37-47, 2014
Review of trackside monitoring solutions: from strain gages to optical fibre sensors
G Kouroussis, C Caucheteur, D Kinet, G Alexandrou, O Verlinden, ...
Sensors 15 (8), 20115-20139, 2015
Finite-dynamic model for infinite media: corrected solution of viscous boundary efficiency
G Kouroussis, O Verlinden, C Conti
Journal of Engineering Mechanics 137 (7), 509-511, 2011
Using three-dimensional finite element analysis in time domain to model railway-induced ground vibrations
G Kouroussis, L Van Parys, C Conti, O Verlinden
Advances in Engineering Software 70, 63-76, 2014
Discrete modelling of vertical track-soil coupling for vehicle-track dynamics
G Kouroussis, G Gazetas, I Anastasopoulos, C Conti, O Verlinden
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 31 (12), 1711-1723, 2011
Ground propagation of vibrations from railway vehicles using a finite/infinite-element model of the soil
G Kouroussis, O Verlinden, C Conti
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of …, 2009
The effect of railway local irregularities on ground vibration
G Kouroussis, DP Connolly, G Alexandrou, K Vogiatzis
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 39, 17-30, 2015
Scoping prediction of re-radiated ground-borne noise and vibration near high speed rail lines with variable soils
DP Connolly, G Kouroussis, PK Woodward, A Giannopoulos, O Verlinden, ...
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 66, 78-88, 2014
Railway cuttings and embankments: Experimental and numerical studies of ground vibration
G Kouroussis, DP Connolly, B Olivier, O Laghrouche, PA Costa
Science of the Total Environment 557, 110-122, 2016
Railway ground vibrations induced by wheel and rail singular defects
G Kouroussis, DP Connolly, G Alexandrou, K Vogiatzis
Vehicle System Dynamics 53 (10), 1500-1519, 2015
A numerical analysis of the influence of tram characteristics and rail profile on railway traffic ground-borne noise and vibration in the Brussels Region
G Kouroussis, N Pauwels, P Brux, C Conti, O Verlinden
Science of The Total Environment 482, 452–460, 2014
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