K. Thulasiraman
K. Thulasiraman
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Graphs: theory and algorithms
K Thulasiraman, MNS Swamy
John Wiley & Sons, 2011
Graphs, networks, and algorithms
MNS Swamy, K Thulasiraman
(No Title), 1981
Polynomial time approximation algorithms for multi-constrained QoS routing
G Xue, W Zhang, J Tang, K Thulasiraman
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 16 (3), 656-669, 2008
Finding a path subject to many additive QoS constraints
G Xue, A Sen, W Zhang, J Tang, K Thulasiraman
IEEE/ACM Transactions on networking 15 (1), 201-211, 2007
Quality-of-service and quality-of-protection issues in preplanned recovery schemes using redundant trees
G Xue, L Chen, K Thulasiraman
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 21 (8), 1332-1345, 2003
O (n/sup 2/) algorithms for graph planarization
R Jayakumar, K Thulasiraman, MNS Swamy
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and …, 1989
A genetic algorithm for channel routing in VLSI circuits
J Lienig, K Thulasiraman
Evolutionary Computation 1 (4), 293-311, 1993
Conditional diagnosability of matching composition networks under the PMC model
M Xu, K Thulasiraman, XD Hu
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 56 (11), 875-879, 2009
Handbook of graph theory, combinatorial optimization, and algorithms
K Thulasiraman, S Arumugam, A Brandstädt
(No Title), 2016
5.7 acyclic directed graphs
K Thulasiraman, MNS Swamy
Graphs: theory and algorithms 118, 1992
Multi-level cooperative search: A new paradigm for combinatorial optimization and an application to graph partitioning
M Toulouse, K Thulasiraman, F Glover
Euro-Par’99 Parallel Processing: 5th International Euro-Par Conference …, 1999
The constrained shortest path problem: algorithmic approaches and an algebraic study with generalization
Y Xiao, K Thulasiraman, G Xue, A Jüttner, S Arumugam
AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics 2 (2), 63-86, 2005
A time-optimal message-efficient distributed algorithm for depth-first-search
KB Lakshmanan, N Meenakshi, K Thulasiraman
Information processing letters 25 (2), 103-109, 1987
Circuits/cutsets duality and a unified algorithmic framework for survivable logical topology design in IP-over-WDM optical networks
K Thulasiraman, MS Javed, G Xue
IEEE INFOCOM 2009, 1026-1034, 2009
Faster algorithms for construction of recovery trees enhancing QoP and QoS
W Zhang, G Xue, J Tang, K Thulasiraman
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 16 (3), 642-655, 2008
Complexity of computation of a spanning tree enumeration algorithm
R Jayakumar, K Thulasiraman, M Swamy
IEEE transactions on circuits and systems 31 (10), 853-860, 1984
Graphs, networks and algorithms
M Swami, K Thulasiraman
Moscow: Mir, 455, 1984
Identifying codes of cycles with odd orders
M Xu, K Thulasiraman, XD Hu
European Journal of Combinatorics 29 (7), 1717-1720, 2008
Linear time construction of redundant trees for recovery schemes enhancing QoP and QoS
W Zhang, G Xue, J Tang, K Thulasiraman
Proceedings IEEE 24th Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and …, 2005
Logical topology augmentation for guaranteed survivability under multiple failures in IP-over-WDM optical networks
K Thulasiraman, T Lin, M Javed, GL Xue
Optical Switching and Networking 7 (4), 206-214, 2010
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Articles 1–20