Susan Feng Lu
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Cited by
金融压抑下的法治, 金融发展和经济增长
卢峰, 姚洋
中国社会科学 1, 42-55, 2004
Economic research evolves: Fields and styles
J Angrist, P Azoulay, G Ellison, R Hill, SF Lu
American Economic Review 107 (5), 293-297, 2017
The retraction penalty: Evidence from the Web of Science
SF Lu, GZ Jin, B Uzzi, B Jones
Nature Scientific Reports 3, 3146, 2013
Multitasking, information disclosure, and product quality: Evidence from nursing homes
S Feng Lu
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 21 (3), 673-705, 2012
The effectiveness of law, financial development, and economic growth in an economy of financial repression: evidence from China
SF Lu, Y Yao
World Development 37 (4), 763-777, 2009
Inside job or deep impact? Extramural citations and the influence of economic scholarship
J Angrist, P Azoulay, G Ellison, R Hill, SF Lu
Journal of Economic Literature 58 (1), 3-52, 2020
Can we trust online physician ratings? Evidence from cardiac surgeons in Florida
SF Lu, H Rui
Management Science 64 (6), 2557-2573, 2018
Do mandatory overtime laws improve quality? Staffing decisions and operational flexibility of nursing homes
SF Lu, LX Lu
Management Science 63 (11), 3566-3585, 2017
Does technology substitute for nurses? staffing decisions in nursing homes
SF Lu, H Rui, A Seidmann
Management Science 64 (4), 1842-1859, 2018
Does Telemedicine Reduce Emergency Room Congestion? Evidence from New York State
S Sun, SF Lu, H Rui
Information System Research 31 (3), 972-986, 2020
The Reverse Matthew Effect: Consequences of Retraction in Scientific Teams
GZ Jin, B Jones, SF Lu, B Uzzi
Review of Economics and Statistics 101 (3), 492-506, 2019
Toward a more scientific science
P Azoulay, J Graff-Zivin, B Uzzi, D Wang, H Williams, JA Evans, GZ Jin, ...
Science 361 (6408), 1194-1197, 2018
Distance, Quality, or Relationship? Interhospital Transfer of Heart Attack Patients
LX Lu, SF Lu
Production and Operations Management, 2018
Solving Shortage in a Priceless Market: Insights from Blood Donation
T Sun, SF Lu, GZ Jin
Journal of Health Economics 48, 149-165, 2016
Health information technologies: Which nursing homes adopted them?
N Zhang, SF Lu, B Xu, B Wu, R Rodriguez-Monguio, J Gurwitz
Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 17 (5), 441-447, 2016
Clustering, agency costs and operating efficiency: Evidence from nursing home chains
SF Lu, GJ Wedig
Management Science 59 (3), 677-694, 2013
Body Mass Index, Falls and Hip Fractures Among Nursing Home Residents
N Zhang, Y Zhou, B Zhang, SF Lu, L Copeland, JH Gurwitz
The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, 2018
The value of health information technology interoperability: Evidence from interhospital transfer of heart attack patients
Y Li, LX Lu, SF Lu, J Chen
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 24 (2), 827-845, 2022
The role of donations in quality disclosure: Evidence from nonprofit nursing homes
American Journal of Health Economics 2 (4), 431-462, 2016
Patient routing to skilled nursing facilities: The consequences of the medicare reimbursement rule
GZ Jin, A Lee, SF Lu
Management Science 68 (12), 8722-8740, 2022
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