Tasos Spiliotopoulos
Cited by
Cited by
Understanding motivations for Facebook use: Usage metrics, network structure, and privacy
T Spiliotopoulos, I Oakley
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2013
Towards an equitable digital society: artificial intelligence (AI) and corporate digital responsibility (CDR)
K Elliott, R Price, P Shaw, T Spiliotopoulos, M Ng, K Coopamootoo, ...
Society 58 (3), 179-188, 2021
Uses & Gratifications of a Facebook Media Sharing Group
M Karnik, I Oakley, J Venkatanathan, T Spiliotopoulos, V Nisi
Proceedings of the 2013 conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work …, 2013
Hide and seek: location sharing practices with social media
D Wagner, M Lopez, A Doria, I Pavlyshak, V Kostakos, I Oakley, ...
Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Human computer …, 2010
Predicting tie strength with the facebook api
T Spiliotopoulos, D Pereira, I Oakley
Proceedings of the 18th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, 1-5, 2014
An exploration of motives and behavior across Facebook and Twitter
T Spiliotopoulos, I Oakley
Journal of Systems and Information Technology 22 (2), 201-222, 2020
Creating adaptive web sites using personalization techniques: a unified, integrated approach and the role of evaluation
C Vassiliou, D Stamoulis, A Spiliotopoulos, D Martakos
Adaptive evolutionary information systems, 261-285, 2003
Altruistic and selfish communication on social media: the moderating effects of tie strength and interpersonal trust
T Spiliotopoulos, I Oakley
Behaviour & Information Technology 40 (3), 320-336, 2021
Integrating usability engineering for designing the web experience: methodologies and principles
T Spiliotopoulos, P Papadopoulou, D Martakos, G Kouroupetroglou
Information Science Reference, 2010
Complex online harms and the smart home: A scoping review
S Olabode, R Owens, VN Zhang, J Copilah-Ali, M Kolomeets, H Wu, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems, 2023
Towards Understanding Social Media: Two Studies Exploring the Uses and Gratifications of Facebook
T Spiliotopoulos, M Karnik, I Oakley, J Venkatanathan, V Nisi
Proceedings of HCI Korea 2013, 2013
Reducing risk to security and privacy in the selection of trigger-action rules: Implicit vs. explicit priming for domestic smart devices
PL Morgan, EIM Collins, T Spiliotopoulos, DJ Greeno, DM Jones
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 168, 102902, 2022
Know Your Customer: Balancing innovation and regulation for financial inclusion
K Elliott, K Coopamootoo, E Curran, P Ezhilchelvan, S Finnigan, ...
Data & Policy 4, e34, 2022
Replicating and Extending a Facebook Uses & Gratifications Study: Five Years Later
T Spiliotopoulos, I Oakley
Proceedings of RepliCHI 2013 workshop at ACM CHI 2013, 2013
Applications of Social Network Analysis for User Modeling
T Spiliotopoulos, I Oakley
International Workshop on User Modeling from Social Media, IUI 2012, 2012
Votes and Comments in Recommender Systems: The Case of Digg
T Spiliotopoulos
Identifying and Supporting Financially Vulnerable Consumers in a Privacy-Preserving Manner: A Use Case Using Decentralised Identifiers and Verifiable Credentials
T Spiliotopoulos, D Horsfall, M Ng, K Coopamootoo, A van Moorsel, ...
ACM CHI 2021 workshop on Designing for New Forms of Vulnerability, 2021
An exploratory study on the use of Twitter and Facebook in tandem
T Spiliotopoulos, I Oakley
Proceedings of the 2015 British HCI Conference, 299-300, 2015
Onboarding Citizens to Digital Identity Systems
T Spiliotopoulos, AT Sheik, D Gottardello, R Dover
International Conference on AI and the Digital Economy, CADE 2023, 2023
Post or Tweet: Lessons from a Study of Facebook and Twitter Usage
T Spiliotopoulos, I Oakley
Following User Pathways: Cross Platform and Mixed Methods Analysis in Social …, 2016
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Articles 1–20