Jose Anta (ORCID: 0000-0003-2002-0618)
Jose Anta (ORCID: 0000-0003-2002-0618)
CITEEC, Universidade da Coruña (ROR:01qckj285)
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Gestión de las aguas pluviales. Implicaciones en el diseño de los sistemas de saneamiento y drenaje urbano
J Puertas, J Suárez, J Anta
CEDEX, 2008
Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems in Spain: A Diagnosis
I Andrés-Doménech, J Anta, S Perales-Momparler, ...
Sustainability 13 (5), 2791, 2021
A BMP selection process based on the granulometry of runoff solids in a separate urban catchment
J Anta, E Peña, J Suárez, J Cagiao
Water Sa 32 (3), 419-428, 2006
Using a 2D shallow water model to assess Large-Scale Particle Image Velocimetry (LSPIV) and Structure from Motion (SfM) techniques in a street-scale urban drainage physical model
J Naves, J Anta, J Puertas, M Regueiro-Picallo, J Suárez
Journal of Hydrology 575, 54-65, 2019
Turbulence anisotropy in a compound meandering channel with different submergence conditions
I Mera, MJ Franca, J Anta, E Peña
Advances in Water Resources 81, 142-151, 2015
New insights to study the accumulation and erosion processes of fine-grained organic sediments in combined sewer systems from a laboratory scale model
M Regueiro-Picallo, J Suárez, E Sañudo, J Puertas, J Anta
Science of The Total Environment 716, 136923, 2020
Hydraulic, wash-off and sediment transport experiments in a full-scale urban drainage physical model
J Naves, J Anta, J Suárez, J Puertas
Scientific data 7 (1), 44, 2020
Global and local sensitivity analysis to improve the understanding of physically-based urban wash-off models from high-resolution laboratory experiments
J Naves, J Rieckermann, L Cea, J Puertas, J Anta
Science of The Total Environment 709, 136152, 2020
Gestión integrada de los recursos hídricos en el sistema agua urbana: Desarrollo Urbano Sensible al Agua como enfoque estratégico.
JJS López, J Puertas, J Anta, A Jácome, JM Álvarez-Campana
Ingeniería del agua 18 (1), 111-123, 2014
Development and Calibration of a New Dripper-Based Rainfall Simulator for Large-Scale Sediment Wash-Off Studies
J Naves, J Anta, J Suárez, J Puertas
Water 12 (1), 152, 2020
Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Egg-Shaped Sewer Pipes Flow Performance
M Regueiro-Picallo, J Naves, J Anta, J Puertas, J Suárez
Water 8 (12), 587, 2016
Monitoring accumulation sediment characteristics in full scale sewer physical model with urban wastewater
M Regueiro-Picallo, J Naves, J Anta, J Suárez, J Puertas
Water Science and Technology 76 (1), 115-123, 2017
Drinking water provision and quality at the Sahrawi refugee camps in Tindouf (Algeria) from 2006 to 2016
R García, A Naves, J Anta, M Ron, J Molinero
Science of The Total Environment 780, 146504, 2021
Assessing different imaging velocimetry techniques to measure shallow runoff velocities during rain events using an urban drainage physical model
J Naves, JT García, J Puertas, J Anta
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 25 (2), 885-900, 2021
Characterisation of sediments during transport of solids in circular sewer pipes
M Regueiro-Picallo, J Anta, J Suárez, J Puertas, A Jácome, J Naves
Water Science and Technology 2017 (1), 8-15, 2018
Assessing wastewater micropollutant loads with approximate bayesian computations
J Rieckermann, J Anta, A Scheidegger, C Ort
Environmental science & technology 45 (10), 4399-4406, 2011
Experimental study of pollutant washoff on a full-scale street section physical model
J Naves, Z Jikia, J Anta, J Puertas, J Suárez, M Regueiro-Picallo
Water Science and Technology 76 (10), 2821-2829, 2017
Modelización de los impactos por DSU en el río Miño (Lugo)
J Anta, M Bermúdez, L Cea, J Suárez, P Ures, J Puertas
Ingeniería del Agua 19 (2), 105-116, 2015
Estimation of drag coefficient and settling velocity of the Cockle Cerastoderma edule using particle image velocimetry (PIV)
E Peña, J Anta, J Puertas, T Teijeiro
Journal of Coastal Research, 150-158, 2008
Influence of sediment characteristics on long-term hydrology and water quality behaviour during the clogging process of a permeable asphalt
E García-Haba, J Naves, C Hernández-Crespo, A Goya-Heredia, ...
Journal of Water Process Engineering 53, 103658, 2023
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Articles 1–20