Régis Dandoy
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Ethno-regionalist parties in Europe: a typology
R Dandoy
Perspectives on federalism 2 (2), 194-220, 2010
Regional and national elections in Western Europe: Territoriality of the vote in thirteen countries
R Dandoy, A Schakel
Palgrave Macmillan, 2013
Electoral cycles and turnout in multilevel electoral systems
AH Schakel, R Dandoy
West European Politics 37 (3), 605-623, 2014
Parliamentary questions in Belgium: Testing for party discipline
R Dandoy
The Roles and Function of Parliamentary Questions, 57-68, 2014
The preservation of social security as a national function in the Belgian federal state
R Dandoy, P Baudewyns
The territorial politics of welfare, 148-167, 2005
Populist demand, economic development and regional identity across nine European countries: Exploring regional patterns of variance
SM Van Hauwaert, CH Schimpf, R Dandoy
European Societies 21 (2), 303-325, 2019
Belgium: Ups and downs of ministerial careers in a partitocratic federal state
P Dumont, S Fiers, R Dandoy
The Selection and de-selection of Ministers in Europe: Hiring and Firing …, 2008
Beyond the water’s edge: How political parties influence foreign policy formulation in Belgium
J Joly, R Dandoy
Foreign Policy Analysis 14 (4), 512-535, 2018
The success of the regionalist parties in the 2014 elections in Belgium
P Baudewyns, R Dandoy, M Reuchamps
Regional & Federal Studies 25 (1), 91-102, 2015
Should we go abroad? The strategic entry of Ecuadorian political parties in overseas electoral districts
S Umpierrez de Reguero, R Dandoy
Representation 59 (3), 385-402, 2023
I programmi elettorali dei partiti regionalisti europei: un'analisi comparata
R Dandoy, G Sandri
Italian Journal of Electoral Studies (IJES) 59 (1), 63-94, 2008
Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Ecuador During The COVID-19 Pandemic
AS Castellanos Santamaría, R Dandoy, S Umpierrez de Reguero
Revista de Ciencia Política 41 (2), 321-351, 2021
The new Belgian Senate. A (dis) continued evolution of federalism in Belgium?
R Dandoy, J Dodeigne, M Reuchamps, A Vandeleene
Representation 51 (3), 327-339, 2015
Extending the incumbency presence abroad. The case of MPAIS in Ecuadorian elections
SU de Reguero, R Dandoy
Political parties abroad: a new arena for party politics, 115-132, 2020
Emigración y representación especial: Evidencia de los Ecuatorianos Residentes en el exterior
S Umpierrez de Reguero, R Dandoy, T Palma
REMHU: Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana 25 (50), 177-201, 2017
Peut-on encore parler de ‘partis frères’ en Belgique?
R Dandoy, N De Decker
L’absence de partis nationaux: menace ou opportunité, 19-35, 2009
Internet voting from abroad: Exploring turnout in the 2014 French consular elections
R Dandoy, T Kernalegenn
French Politics 19 (4), 421-439, 2021
Introduction: Territoriality of the vote. A framework for analysis
AH Schakel, R Dandoy
Regional and national elections in Western Europe. Territoriality of the …, 2013
The external relations of autonomous regions in Europe
R Dandoy, F Massart
ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshop, Grenada, 2005
Franstalig, Vlaams, commercieel, openbaar: zoek de verschillen. Een longitudinale vergelijking van de thema’s in de Belgische televisiejournaals
D Sinardet, K De Swert, R Dandoy
PSW Paper 1, 2004
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