Jeremy Dodeigne
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Who governs? The disputed effects of regionalism on legislative career orientation in multilevel systems
J Dodeigne
West European Politics 41 (3), 728-753, 2018
(Re-) Assessing career patterns in multi-level systems: Insights from Wallonia in Belgium
J Dodeigne
Regional & Federal Studies 24 (2), 151-171, 2014
Centralized or decentralized personalization? Measuring intra-party competition in open and flexible list PR systems
J Dodeigne, JB Pilet
Party Politics 27 (2), 234-245, 2021
What do selectorates seek? A comparative analysis of Belgian federal and regional candidate selection processes in 2014
A Vandeleene, J Dodeigne, L De Winter
American Behavioral Scientist 60 (7), 889-908, 2016
Metaphors in political communication: A case study of the use of deliberate metaphors in non-institutional political interviews
P Heyvaert, F Randour, J Dodeigne, J Perrez, M Reuchamps
Journal of Language and Politics 19 (2), 201-225, 2020
Changing your political mind: The impact of a metaphor on citizens’ representations and preferences for federalism
M Reuchamps, J Dodeigne, J Perrez
Regional & Federal Studies 28 (2), 151-175, 2018
Le G1000: une expérience citoyenne de démocratie délibérative
M Reuchamps, D Caluwaerts, J Dodeigne, V Jacquet, J Moskovic, ...
Courrier hebdomadaire du CRISP 23442345 (19), 5-104, 2017
Reforming Belgium’s federalism: Comparing the views of MPs and voters
M Reuchamps, D Sinardet, J Dodeigne, D Caluwaerts
Government and Opposition 52 (3), 460-482, 2017
The new Belgian Senate. A (dis) continued evolution of federalism in Belgium?
R Dandoy, J Dodeigne, M Reuchamps, A Vandeleene
Representation 51 (3), 327-339, 2015
Beyond linguistic and party homogeneity: Determinants of Belgian MPs’ preferences on federalism and state reform
J Dodeigne, P Gramme, M Reuchamps, D Sinardet
Party Politics 22 (4), 427-439, 2016
Nationalisation of local party systems in Belgium (1976-2018): the combined effects of municipality size and parliamentary parties’ dominance
J Dodeigne, C Close, F Teuber
Local government studies 47 (1), 100-125, 2021
Language, identity and voting
D Sinardet, L De Winter, J Dodeigne, M Reuchamps
Mind the gap: Political participation and representation in Belgium, 113-132, 2018
Les élections communales en 2012 en wallonie
R Dandoy, J Dodeigne, G Matagne, M Reuchamps
Vanden Broele, 2013
Representing a minority group in multinational federal systems: Career patterns in Catalonia, Scotland and Wallonia
J Dodeigne
ULiège-Université de Liège, 2015
The attractiveness of local and national list labels: the role of socio-economic inequalities on the success of electoral lists
J Dodeigne, V Jacquet, M Reuchamps
Local government studies 46 (5), 763-779, 2020
The mayors’ political career: Between local and national ambition
J Dodeigne, J Krukowska, A Lazauskienė
Political leaders and changing local democracy: The European mayor, 109-147, 2018
Les attitudes communautaires et le vote
K Deschouwer, L De Winter, M Reuchamps, J Dodeigne
9782802741084, 2015
A scandal effect? Local scandals and political trust
C Close, J Dodeigne, S Hennau, M Reuchamps
Acta politica 58 (1), 212-236, 2023
Identités, préférences et attitudes des parlementaires envers le fédéralisme belge après la sixième réforme de l’État
J Dodeigne, M Reuchamps, D Sinardet
Identités, préférences et attitudes des parlementaires envers le fédéralisme …, 2015
New rules, new political class? Analysis of the impact of the electoral reforms in Belgium on the 2014 elections and aftermath
J Dodeigne, A Vandeleene
Second edition of the Conference'Belgium: The State of the Federation', 2013
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