Michael S. Dahl
Michael S. Dahl
Professor, Aalborg University Business School & Norwegian School of Economics
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Knowledge flows through informal contacts in industrial clusters: myth or reality?
MS Dahl, CØR Pedersen
Research policy 33 (10), 1673-1686, 2004
Home sweet home: Entrepreneurs' location choices and the performance of their ventures
MS Dahl, O Sorenson
Management science 58 (6), 1059-1071, 2012
The embedded entrepreneur
MS Dahl, O Sorenson
European management review 6 (3), 172-181, 2009
Organizational change and employee stress
MS Dahl
Management science 57 (2), 240-256, 2011
Are you experienced? Prior experience and the survival of new organizations
MS Dahl, T Reichstein
Industry and Innovation 14 (5), 497-511, 2007
The migration of technical workers
MS Dahl, O Sorenson
Journal of Urban Economics 67 (1), 33-45, 2010
The social attachment to place
MS Dahl, O Sorenson
Social Forces 89 (2), 633-658, 2010
Emergence of regional clusters: The role of spinoffs in the early growth process
MS Dahl, CR Østergaard, B Dalum
The handbook of evolutionary economic geography, 2010
Fatherhood and managerial style: How a male CEO’s children affect the wages of his employees
MS Dahl, CL Dezső, DG Ross
Administrative Science Quarterly 57 (4), 669-693, 2012
Knowledge diffusion and regional clusters: Lessons from the Danish ICT industry
MS Dahl
PhD Thesis, Department of Business Studies, Aalborg University, 2003
Are firm growth rates random? Analysing patterns and dependencies
T Reichstein, MS Dahl
International Review of Applied Economics 18 (2), 225-246, 2004
Whom do new firms hire?
MS Dahl, S Klepper
Industrial and Corporate Change 24 (4), 819-836, 2015
Do start-ups pay less?
MD Burton, MS Dahl, O Sorenson
ILR Review 71 (5), 1179-1200, 2018
The who, why, and how of spinoffs
MS Dahl, O Sorenson
Industrial and Corporate Change 23 (3), 661-688, 2014
Career effects of mental health
B Biasi, MS Dahl, P Moser
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2021
The devil dwells in the tails: A quantile regression approach to firm growth
T Reichstein, MS Dahl, B Ebersberger, MB Jensen
Journal of Evolutionary Economics 20, 219-231, 2010
In sickness and in wealth: Psychological and sexual costs of income comparison in marriage
L Pierce, MS Dahl, J Nielsen
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 39 (3), 359-374, 2013
Geography, joint choices, and the reproduction of gender inequality
O Sorenson, MS Dahl
American Sociological Review 81 (5), 900-920, 2016
Social networks in the R&D process: the case of the wireless communication industry around Aalborg, Denmark
MS Dahl, CØR Pedersen
Journal of Engineering and Technology Management 22 (1-2), 75-92, 2005
Do startup employees earn more in the long run?
O Sorenson, MS Dahl, R Canales, MD Burton
Organization Science 32 (3), 587-604, 2021
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